Forgive me. I've become and update whore. I can't help it. I hate/love music. It's too fucking strong. It's a good thing i'm not on REAL drugs.
You colored me beautiful
Then told me i was too bright
All these songs sound the same
and i know my words are no diffrent
perhaps inferior
Cliches with meaning expressed but you can't feel it.
You can't feel it.
Because it's just cliche
You all know the meaning but you can't feel it
Now i know the feeling these songs will leave me
Everytime i hear the questions you ask me
Like the songs i haven't heard for so long
because i'm afraid of the feeling they'll leave me
Like the way she stopped thinking
How you stole all she had - daydreaming
and now every song is about you
and she's too confused wondering if you ruined what she loved
or gave her it in the first place
How you took away and threw away my ignorance
You force fed her the fruit and the high was temporary
But the side effects last her eternity
But she's still young
and now she has a life to live and she can't listen to the songs
The ones she let you hear
The ones you said last so long
The ones she thought she'd never fear
[Frances. b-gock i love him] Haha
You took me to a higher level
But gave me farther to fall
Now she tries to blame you for how great these songs are
But now she needs to thank you
Because now she knows what the words are.
[Don't go blameing your knowledge on some fruit you ate]
Why are your weapons so beautiful?
And your flaws so lovely?
And your weakenesses so powerful?
And how do you like me?
[It's cool if you keep quiet, but i like singing]
They lied of limitless potential
Said that i could do it all
And here so short again i stall
Proving once more you can't trust
those you love at all
Even if that's not true 'cause i still trust all of you
Just because Mozart takes the fame...
[Well i have been happy these past couple days]
[They're waiting for something]
[hoping to be saved]
Grand Am is back! says:
maybe i will just have a talk with this faggot
Jeneryk says:
Well, first of all... i find that offensive to homosexuals...
But, anyways, ha, yeah, we all know how 'a talk' would end out, now don't we.
Jeneryk says:
Grand Am is back! says:
r u saying that ur homosexual?
Jeneryk says:
Hahaha. No, i actually wasn't saying that.
Grand Am is back! says:
ok, i mean, thats cool if u r, i was just wondering
Jeneryk says:
lol. But i suppose that too is an understandable assumption.
Ammusement for the night. I think this is the first time i was accused of being homosexual... bisexual a few times... but not usually homosexual.