Jul 17, 2006 22:34
Why is it that every time you think you find a good man, they lie. Today was awful. I really could care less about myself. ( i know, not too health thinking) I care more about the others. There Is a person that I love very dearly that I saw hurt today. SHOCKING NEWS: by a man. I was hurttoday too. BY: 3 men. Now I'm not saying all of this to be a man bashing 90's chick, but seriously. I have yet to find a man, besides my brother Jared, that isn't a nasty person inside. Now this is not to say that women are not just as bad, they can be. But they end up alone with no friends. Women don't put up with female liers, and men don't put up with women at all! I find that The best way to deal with life is to put all your shit out there. Just tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth. That is the best way to live. ALSO!!!!! I'm dead serious about this. If you are a chick. and you have friends that are confiding in you. They are confiding in YOU! not you and your friends. It's so anoying. Yes, you always have a loyalty to your closest friends. I get that and support that. But be honest if you aren't going to keep nit to yourself. Things tend to be better out in the open. When words are changed people get blamed and hurt, and sometimes, friends get lost.
I have always gotten along better with men, I think I always will. But when it comes to being hurt, we women need eachother. Be the man a woman doesn't run from. and be the woman, that the women can run to. There. I have some peace.
To the women who's day I had to ruin. I'm so sorry, and I lovfe you with not only my heart, but my soul. I mean that.