✿ ( oo1 loads of laundry ) voice → video

Feb 27, 2011 20:21

This is... definitely not my apartment. [ There's silence for a little while and then, hesitantly: ] Can anyone tell me where I am? I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be out getting signatures for the new Caring Hands build--

[ The feed cuts out as she fiddles around with the device for a moment. Eventually, it switches over to video. As ( Read more... )

✪ video, ✪ voice, game: vatheon

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video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 11:14:31 UTC
[Motochika wears a calm expression as he switches on the feed.]

A member of the Welcoming Committee will be with you shortly; they shall provide you with all the information you require, as well as a towel.

Welcome to Vatheon. You have been swept under from your own world and time, like many of us. I am afraid that there is no route home... not by your own will. Nor is there any Captain Hammer present, to my knowledge.


video; colorcanbefound February 28 2011, 16:02:18 UTC
[ Penny looks slightly more panicked now. No way home and no Captain Hammer? ]

Are you sure that there's no way home?


video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 16:12:25 UTC
[Motochika nods once.]

Not by choice. I have been here for almost eight months now. There are some who have passed a year in this city, yet others disappear just as suddenly as they arrived. There is no way to predict the length of your stay.

But do not worry. You merely take what provisions you need here. Life in Vatheon is comfortable, for the most part.


video; colorcanbefound February 28 2011, 19:26:45 UTC
Okay... [ She doesn't really understand how anyone can be comfortable with being kidnapped, but she'll try not to worry too much. ] How did I get here? You said I was swept under, but I wasn't even near any bodies of water when I went to bed last night.


video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 20:06:16 UTC
None of us truly know how we came to be here. We are kept in the dark, and answers are guarded closely by the local population.

What we have learned first-hand is that the coral at the heart of this city possesses powerful magic. It was no doubt involved.


video; colorcanbefound February 28 2011, 20:44:38 UTC
Magic? Like... cutting people in half type magic?


video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 20:55:57 UTC
[Motochika raises his eyebrows at that, looking mildly surprised.]

It has yet to kill anyone. But I will not deny that it has the strength to.

There was a time when every other week it would curse us. These days curses are a much rarer occurrence.


video; colorcanbefound February 28 2011, 21:00:36 UTC
[ Well, Penny didn't mean literally cutting someone in half, but she doesn't point that out. She stares silently for a moment before her eyebrows pull together. ]

What part of this place is supposed to be comfortable, then?


video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 21:20:57 UTC
[His expression smooths into a placid smile.]

The technology. The peace. Freedom from monetary concerns. The chance to experience things we could not in our own worlds and times. I would call those pleasant.

Vatheon impedes us and provides us with rare opportunities, in equal measure.

You are already here. You can only move onwards.


video; colorcanbefound February 28 2011, 21:24:49 UTC
That's how it is anywhere. [ Once the shock wears off, she'll agree with him. For now, though, she still looks uneasy, though she does offer him a polite, if awkward, smile. ]

I don't think I caught your name.


video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 21:37:31 UTC
[He notes the uneasiness. In truth, it would be more concerning if she displayed none.]

I am Chōsokabe Motochika; just Motochika is fine. You are?


video; colorcanbefound February 28 2011, 21:51:06 UTC
Penny. It's nice to meet you, Motochika.


video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 22:02:03 UTC
You as well, Penny.

Should you have further questions or require any aid, you need only ask. I will gladly assist.


video; colorcanbefound February 28 2011, 22:10:36 UTC
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.


video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 22:46:10 UTC
[Motochika bows his head, then smirks lightly.]

Also tell me if you grow impatient waiting for a member of the committee. Two belong to my household.


video; colorcanbefound March 1 2011, 01:35:49 UTC
You'll be the first person I contact. [ If she figures out the SFC well enough, anyway. ]


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