May 08, 2005 14:25
even if i had a boyfriend i would not put something to this extent in my profile:
name for eternity!!!<3
name n lisa 2gthr4evr!!!11
I LOVE NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HEART NAME!!!!1111111
I <3 NAME!111
i wouldn't even fill my profile with 4932908432980 paragraphs of love songs and then simply put their name at the end.
maybe a few lines of a song. but no one is branding their letters into my profile. because i wouldn't forget myself. and i were almost dead. haAHAHHHH.
i would also never do the 6th grade I<3NAME overandoverandoverandoverandoverandoverandover again on my folders/books/binder/backpack.
but i would do something to this extent in my stupid "el jay" entries:
and just as love's silhouette appears, i close my eyes and dissappear tonight...
and somethings gotta change cause our loves the slowest moving train.
camryn said she noticed as ive gone longer and longer without a boyfriend ive become meaner and meaner.
no contest.
during love scenes in movies i angrily shove chocolate in my mouth and rip up whatever paper is near me. i am compelled to spit (if i knew how to spit) on couples practically having sex in public, like some sort of homeless person would. except for this one couple at school, when they kiss its cute, not revolting or annoying.
if i believed in these sort of silly things i would believe that accidntal deth on more adventurous was written about me.
but i dont.