Apr 15, 2012 20:05
Look past the mirror in which u have painted a disgrace, something to believe in, Ur just another face....what makes u so special? is it because ur parents are ashamed? The beauty is horrific and the horror is a stain... convince urself ur special, now ur called insane, u gave urself a new name and ran away from the pain...just keep on running and don't correct ur mistakes, lift up to ur chin, document ur sins... be abusive...hide behind the music, hide behind despair. A clutch and a reason for everyone to know ur there. U exist, they can't resist and everyone wants to touch u there. Attention whore, ur such a bore, no one wants to hear u anymore. Get a job and fall in love because its all been done before. She's not high class she's not nice ass she's also just a whore. Using and abusing each other until one day u wake up sober, whenever that day may be...ur worl will come crashing down and ull see where u started off...a sad little boy with no other choice take someone else and create urself off of they're being.