Title: Angry and Confused (Sturgis/Texas part two)
Pairing: Sturgis/Texas, implied New York/Texas
Other Stuff: Yup. Went there.
Even by the next day, Roslyn still hadn't gotten the images of Sturgis nailing her father out of her mind. Every smile was the flash of her father's teeth as he cried out in pleasure, every laugh was Sturgis' as he plunged in deep, every creak was a leather motorcycle seat straining as two bodies copulated on top of it-
Everything in her world was about sex between her father and a random man. It had been bad enough when it was simply New York, now it was two... Wait. Wait a minute. Roslyn sat up from where she had laid her head down a table in a random kitchen she had found. Was her father cheating on New York? She hadn't heard about them breaking up, and she was certain she would have.
Slowly, a bigger picture began to form in her head. Her father was finally getting tired of New York and his bullshit, but...maybe he was reluctant to break it off. Maybe he wanted to get his gun back first? Or maybe he had a plan to do it? Either way, he put himself on the market again, and ended up with Sturgis of all people. Or maybe Texas and New York had gotten in a fight, and her father was on the rebound and Sturgis took advantage of him? As much as she didn't like to think of her father as the type to be taken advantage of, it made sense; the Yankee was going to hurt him bad sooner or later...
Angry and confused; Roslyn was confused and angry, and something had to be done about this.
Coincidentally, angry and confused was how New York felt when he had finished listening to the five minute voicemail tirade Roslyn had left on his cell phone. How had she gotten the number? How dare she say those things to him!
And just what was this accusation about breaking Texas' heart and driving him to someone called Sturgis? What the hell kind of name was Sturgis?!
So, Texas' precious daughter was being crazier than usual. She probably just saw Texas and this Sturgis person from a bad angle while they were doing something with a motorcycle. Yeah, that sounded about right for her. Well- New York figured that, as much he didn't like or want to talk to Texas about his daughter, he should at least tell him to get her to not call him again. And maybe something about her being crazy.
He was surprised when Texas wasn't in his room. Okay, that was too odd; Texas did do other things. He could be at the stables, or maybe New York's kitchen... A walk couldn't hurt, so New York decided to just make a quick round about Hammerspace to see if he could find his lover.
First stop- The kitchen. Quiet. Then Texas' favorite living room for watching television- Equally void of Texas. His preferred bathroom with the extra large bathtub, very unfortunately, did not contain a naked wet Texas, ripe for being jumped.
New York was about to head outside to check the stables when an idea came to him: The garage. Maybe Texas, and possibly Sturgis too, were there. Two birds with one stone, and it wasn't nearly as far to walk as the stables. New York nodded to himself. What a brilliant idea.
"What the fuckin' hell!?"
Or maybe not such a brilliant idea.
New York's enraged scream snapped Texas and Sturgis out of their sex induced trance. They had moved from Sturgis' Harley to Texas' own custom motorcycle. Texas was straddling it, leaning far over the tank, practically nuzzling with the gauges as he gripped the handlebars, and Sturgis was behind him, hands groping everywhere and buried in the Southerner to the hilt.
Texas went pale.
Sturgis just looked angry and confused.