Aug 06, 2004 18:54
cocoachip8691 (6:35:47 PM): HELLO KITTY!
cocoachip8691 (6:35:53 PM): >D
n e o n x yeLLow (6:36:17 PM): doesn't have the same effect online.
cocoachip8691 (6:37:33 PM): i know
n e o n x yeLLow (6:39:31 PM): you have to do it in that stupid voice in order to embarass or annoy me
n e o n x yeLLow (6:40:21 PM): and i think the metallica is getting to your head and making you evil already
cocoachip8691 (6:41:02 PM): evil?
cocoachip8691 (6:41:07 PM): how so?
n e o n x yeLLow (6:41:26 PM): just cuz you're saying that hello kitty thing
n e o n x yeLLow (6:41:42 PM): nothing personal
cocoachip8691 (6:42:36 PM): dude, I'd do that even if I had never heard of MEtallica
cocoachip8691 (6:42:55 PM): BLEH! I DID IT AGAIN!
n e o n x yeLLow (6:43:11 PM): well that's...comforting...
n e o n x yeLLow (6:43:15 PM): what did you do?
cocoachip8691 (6:43:33 PM): MEtallica instead Metallica
n e o n x yeLLow (6:44:05 PM): you're getting subliminal messages from that music to be conceited then =P
n e o n x yeLLow (6:44:10 PM): LOOK AT WHAT IT DID TO JUSTIN
n e o n x yeLLow (6:44:23 PM): (nothing against that music, it's just fun to say stuff like that)
cocoachip8691 (6:44:48 PM): What did what do to Justin?
cocoachip8691 (6:44:58 PM): lol
cocoachip8691 (6:45:00 PM): It's the only metal music I listen to...^^;
n e o n x yeLLow (6:45:04 PM): The music!! it made hism conceited(???)
n e o n x yeLLow (6:45:13 PM): because you wrote MEtallica
cocoachip8691 (6:45:20 PM): lol
n e o n x yeLLow (6:45:23 PM): not Metallica, or YOUtallica
cocoachip8691 (6:45:45 PM): that was because of the nails!
n e o n x yeLLow (6:45:51 PM): suuuure
n e o n x yeLLow (6:45:57 PM): coughSUBLIMINALMESSAGEScough
cocoachip8691 (6:46:10 PM): I SWEAR!!!!!
n e o n x yeLLow (6:46:22 PM): metallica possessed you to put on those long nails so you could make that capitalization mistake
n e o n x yeLLow (6:46:32 PM): *shifty paranoid eyes*
cocoachip8691 (6:46:52 PM): 0_o
n e o n x yeLLow (6:46:57 PM): YES
n e o n x yeLLow (6:47:31 PM): james hetfield is secretly a crossdresser who likes really long nails, hence the subliminal messages
n e o n x yeLLow (6:47:59 PM): and umm...what time should i come and grace(coughBUGcoughcough) you with my presence?
cocoachip8691 (6:48:09 PM): &;oo
cocoachip8691 (6:48:14 PM): I sorry
cocoachip8691 (6:48:18 PM): 7:00
n e o n x yeLLow (6:48:24 PM): NOW YOU'RE SPEAKING IN CODE
n e o n x yeLLow (6:48:38 PM): i'm sure it means like, "go blow up a building and worship satan with me!" or something
cocoachip8691 (6:48:47 PM): 0_0
cocoachip8691 (6:49:03 PM): Melanie, I think you're the brainwashed one, not me at all
n e o n x yeLLow (6:49:37 PM): OMNGGSJGKSLREARAERE~!!!! it's always the ones who say "YOU'RE the one brainwashed" who are the brainwashed ones
cocoachip8691 (6:49:48 PM): --'
n e o n x yeLLow (6:49:56 PM): this is fun
cocoachip8691 (6:50:03 PM): It is?
n e o n x yeLLow (6:50:11 PM): yup
n e o n x yeLLow (6:50:31 PM): ;00003489849375oi4wmfnhkjahrjak ********re8934830968uj
n e o n x yeLLow (6:50:44 PM): (it means: look, i'm melissa, speaking in my FANCY CODE LANGUAGE)
cocoachip8691 (6:51:12 PM): oookay