(1.) Name: Amy
(2.) Age: 16
(3.) Location: UK
(4.) On a scale from 1-10 (with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) How do you rate your queerness? 9 methinks
(5.) Top 10 favorite books:
1. Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights
2. Lolita by Vladimir I can't spell his last name! and i lent the book to someone else :S
3. Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell
4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K Rowling
5. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
(6.) Top 10 favorite movies:
1. Fight Club
2. Lolita
3. Magnolia
4. Gia
5. Million Dollar Hotel
6. Bound
7. The Rules of Attraction
8. Empire Records
9. Fight Club
10. Better than Chocolate
(7.) Top 10 favorite bands:
1. Counting Crows
2. Fiona Apple
3. Massive Attack
4. Ani Difranco
6. Sheryl Crow
7. Aimee Mann
8. Lemonheads
9. Incubus
10. Patti Smith
(8.) If a bunch of people who knew you got together and your name came up in conversation, what would they say about you? What really silly thing did Amy do now?!
(9.) What and who are the most important things and people in your life and why? My closest friends that each offer me something to help me through whatever I'm going through, and probably my bed and my music.
(10.) How do you spend your free time? with my friends, sleeeping, music
(11.) How do you feel about school? I hated secondary school, but I love Sixth form
(12.) What is the first thing people notice about you when they meet you aside from what you look like? That i find a lot of things amusing
(13.) Seeing 2020 - Pretend it's the year 2020. Tell us about your life in 2020. I'll be living with my lady and I'll be a successful photographer and I'll have travelled the world!
(14.)Please give us your thoughts on at least 2 of the following. (PUT THOUGHT INTO YOUR ANSWERS! DON"T GIVE US THAT SHORT HANKY PANKY STUFF):
Gay Marriage: I don't think it's anyone elses decision but the people themselves who they want to be with. I find it sick and wrong that certain people feel they have the right to tell people who they can and can't devote themselves to.
George Bush: I don't know huge amounts about him but I know that his policies are all wrong. I think the power has gone to his head.
Abortion: It's completely down to the person. i know a few people who have had abortions and i don't think any less of them. Nobody can judge someone for making that kind of decision.
Authority: It's needed but with many boundaries.
United States Of America: I think it's an amazing place but George Bush needs to go.
(15.)NOW, your pictures: