Mar 29, 2006 11:41
For the first time since I've been here, I'm happy to be alone. I just sat in the quad the other day and people watched yesterday. It was the first day this semester when it's broken 50 degrees and there was no snow whatsoever. I noticed that there are two major stereotypes at this school, that 98% of the student population fits into. You're either a Jewish American Princess or Prince (JAP) who talks about their beach houses in Maui, or you're black/asian/whatev show shuffling for all the white people here.
Attention Black Children (This is not an attack on anyone on my friends list. I know that I can trust all of you and that none of you are anything like the people that I've described, because I make it a point to befriend intelligent people. This is an attack to the people at my school and the ignorance in the black community.):
These people here know that you are black. You can't get around it. Buying Uggs and talking like the bitches on Laguna Beach will not change that. I can't stand this. The people here will stab you in the back as quickly as you can turn around. I was friends with this girl, and her boyfriend got into some shit with a black girl at his school. Well, my friend casually drops into conversation that her and her boyfriend were making fun of the black girl and using racist epiteths to insult her. This happens all the time. When will the black people here wise up to shit like that? Stop avoiding black people because boohoo someone made fun of you in 3rd grade and white people love you and you listen to Hoobastank.
If we as black people want to rise up against racism, we have to stop practicing self hatred. Learn a little about your history. We aren't all ignorant. We've been taught by our own government to hate ourselves. We're taught that our hair isn't good enough. We're taught that we're inferior if our skin isn't close to white. We're taught that our music is loud, senseless and derogatory. We're taught that dating outside of our race is a privilege (I of all people obviously don't have anything against interracial dating. It's only a problem when people do it for status). We're taught that most black people are destined to be on COPS or dead. We're taught that we're supposed to look like the rail-thin models on television. If you stop swallowing the poison that you're being fed, you could learn so much. Stop depending on white people to have the answers. We need to rise above the sterotypes and then we can combat racist ideals. Get out and do something. Write letters to the government to ask for funding for better books and facilities for inner city students. Ask them to improve public housing. Ask them to implement after school programs to encourage youth.
I'm sorry about this rant. I just get really angry at life sometimes. And I've been reading Malcom X.