Aug 05, 2005 00:00
okay soo i think my last relationship ruined any game i ever had.
Everytime i've met a guy this summer i've like backed out and gotten super shy and not said anything orr i didnt answer when they called me.
what the hell am i so afraid of?
actually, the real question is ...what's wrong with me? did i chagne or something, do i come off as a bitch?
i was told that im intimidating. do i really intimindate guys or people in general? wtf! im the easiest person to talk to EVER!
okay, so what i sing all the time and i sound like a tone def freak. and so what if i dance, all the time. that's my personality. i'm a very happy person, that's just ME. i'm not immature... i'm fun.
whatever, guys get over yourselves.