yeah this is sad

Apr 08, 2004 16:39

Just because i have 2 1/2 hours to kill until i have to go to work. That is the only reason for this insanity!!!


Name: Stormy
Do you like it?: sure do, until some idiot says something stupid about it.
Nicknames: storm, babe(dont like that one so much but i go with it). i dont really have a nickname
Age: 20
Birthday: February
Sign: Fish, haha
Location: Marysville
Status: taken
Crush: sometimes
Virgin?: naw
Natural hair color: brown
Current hair color: lighter brown
Eye color: blue/green
Height: damn sarah you are short, haha i am 5'6"
Birthplace: New York
Shoe size: 9
Bra size: yeah we just will not even go there
[ Family ]
Parents: Cyndi and Dave
Siblings: Numerous, but the most important one is Riley
Live with: My mom and step dad Brian
Favorite relative: your Mom and Dad

[ Favorites ]
Number: 19
Color: green
Day: Wednesday
Month: September
Song: Soul, Matchbox Twenty
Movie(s): Pirates, Snatch, Dogma, etc.
Food: Mexican
Band: matchbox twenty, audioslave, counting crows
Season: summer
Sport(s): hockey, football, basketball
Class: all please
Teacher: Potter, he is great
Drink(s): Pucker and orange juice
TV Show: The O.C., Roswell, American Idol, I do love you George
Radio Station: 107.9,104.9, and 99.7
Store: American Eagle, and Old Navy
Word: super
Animal: dog
Flower: sweet pea
State: colorado

[ This Or That ]
Me/You: you
Coke/pepsi: pepsi
Day/night: night
Aol/aim: blah
Cd/cassette: cd
Dvd/vhs: dvd
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: car
Tall/short: tall.
Lunch/dinner: dinner
NSYNC/BSB: nsync
Britney/Christina: christina, briney is washed up, bitch
Gap/Old Navy: God do i ever hate the Gap
Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss
Silver/Gold: silver
Alcohol/Weed: probably weed it is more fun
[ Love and Relationships ]
Do you have a bf/gf?: yes
Do you have a crush?: That is silly, i crush over alot of things, not boys though unless they are famous. haha
How long have you liked him/her?: for a long time.
If you're single...why are you single?: im not
How long was your longest relationship?: 3 years
How long was your shortest relationship?: i dont know
Who was your first love?: Joe, asshole
What do you miss about them?: I dont really miss being cheated on, but hey i just heard he went into the military so good bye haha

[ The Past ]
What is the one thing you would change about your life: I wish i did not go to North Union High school
What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?: I dont know, i dont really know a mistake. maybe going to osu main campus, blah i hated that.
Last thing you heard: my head pounding
Last thing you saw: this computer screen
Last thing you said: goodbye to my friend darby.
Who is the last person you saw?: Darby
Who is the last person you kissed?: My mom
Who is the last person you hugged?: My mom since she is leaving me for the weekend
Who is the last person you fought with?: nmy mom once again
What is the last song you heard?: Counting crow, anna begins
What are you wearing?: khakis, orange tank top
What are you doing?: killing time before work
Who are you talking to?: no one
What song are you listening to?: nothing
Where are you?: at marion tech college in the computer lab
Who are you with?:bunch of rejects.
Are you online?: yup
How are you feeling?: headache, bored and tired
Are you in a chatroom?: nope

[ Future ]
What day is it tomorrow?: friday thank god
What are you going to do after this?: go to work for the 3rd time
Who are you going to talk to? many stupid people about lotion.
Where are you going to go?: Bath and Body works
What do you wanna be?: Nursing adminstrator, so i dont have to actually be a nurse, just hiring nurses, haha

What is one of your dreams?: travel my beautiful ass off. with the people i love. and have a small family of my own
Where will you be in 25 years?: married with one kid, would be great

[ Have You Ever ]
Drank?: yes
Smoked?: yes
Had sex?:yes
Stolen?: yes
Done anything illegal?: yes
Wanted to die?: yes
Hit someone?: yes

[ Other ]
Do you write in cursive or print?: type
Are you a lefty or a righty?: righty
What is your sexual preference?: straight but both is cool.
What piercings do you have?:i dont even know right now
Do you drive?: yes
Do you have glasses or braces?: glasses, but i wear contacts
Did you like this survey?: nope i dont but it is taking time, so that is cool

[ Physical Appearance ]
What do you most like about your body?: my back, or my hair.
And least?: my butt, since that is how everyone knows it is me, huh jack?
How many fillings do you have?: 4
Do you think you're good looking?: Honestly i dont think i am bad to look at.
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?:No not really but that is okay.
Do you look like any celebrities?: no not really.
Do you wear a watch?: yes, fossil, there is no other kind to me
How many coats and jackets do you own?: 2
Favorite pants/skirt color?: old navy ones
Most expensive item of clothing: i dont really own any

Most treasured?: umm i dont really treasure clothes, i have alot of them
What kind of shoes do you wear?: flip flops.
Describe your style in one word: Casual, with style i guess

i am done, peace out

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