Month 2, Day 2

Dec 30, 2006 19:29

Sorry for the long hiatus. It took me awhile to get back on the program (3 weeks instead of 5 days). But now I am back! I am on my winter break, so I started month 2 of Colonix with Toxinout. The first morning of yesterday, I took 4 Paranil and then Fiber. I had a morning bowel movement. But then mid day I had a heavy one, it was fiberous (which is most likely from the fiber. Then @ night I had the 4 Toxinout and then Detoxgreen with dinner and then Kleritea and Flora Protect. Today (this morning, i ate cashews and had slight cramps since I only steeped the tea 7minutes. I went before I went to work. I felt rejuvenated. =) I took Paranil and Fiber. That's all!

11:50pm - I had a bowel movement (most likely from the fiber, and since ii've been able to distinguish a colonix bowel movement from a regular one, that one was most likely as a result from the colonix. i really should drink more water, but i work too much, and i get less of it
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