Good evening guys and gals!
I'm quite glad you happened upon this journal of colon cleansing.
Like you, I started speculative and curious. I discovered colon cleansing resources, searching for information on the internet about bowel related issues. Colonix's website,
Dr. Natura was one of the first few sites i've found. It wasn't until some more time/such as in a couple of months that I've finally decided to order.
I've discovered comparitive products as well, and eventually settled on colonix after noticing the #1 review from
Natural Healing Today Magazine.
I've also visited xanga's and asked questions about this product.
Upon noticing less favorable differences in stool caliber and bowel habits, and trying alternate methods, I decided to give this product a shot - to see if it does what it claims to do, tackle the problem. This product also has a 30day money back guarantee.
I do have a habit of not writing much often. But I will keep a record. More to come!