Dec 01, 2005 01:57

so ive been lkistening to the RENT soundtracvk for the past 5 hours and im in awe...and i havent even seen the movie yet albeit most say it sucks but anyways, i sure chicago did too compared to the original broadway musical...anyways, i first it depressed the hell out of me because everyones having sex and getting aids and im setting here not even having the chance to get infected with a terminal disease being a virgin and all...oh yeah, plus people die in it which is always a bitch,...then i was getting depressed cuz i started thinking about dallas cuz mandy sent me something about a 17 year old who commited suicide cuz his gf broke up with him or something so then that made me mad cuz who the hell kills themselves over a ghirl at age 17...i mean seriously...dont be stupid, thats fucking retarded...but againm i i was pissed cuz if i do go on academic probation i cant be a cp and since henni jewed me out of living in an apartment next year im pretty much screwed, so then i decided to give not being on AP a shot only to seem to realize thats pretty much pointless...long story short eric's new name for me is baby giraffe because i, ahem...:

"am the clumsiest person alive and [i] can't walk" (does impression of newborn giraffe)
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