Diary #1 [muse_diaries]

Oct 22, 2008 04:47

[John is going to attempt to keep a diary every so often. All diary posts are locked unless otherwise specified. Or unless someone happens to stumble across it...]

Stardate 1022.5

[John puts pen to paper a few times - why is it so important he physically write? Psychiatrists are crazy. He sighs, leaning back in his office chair, and begins an even scrawl.]

Dear Diary or whoever, God help you, may be reading this.
I never understood that, you know, the whole 'dear diary' thing. If you're the only one who's going to be reading it shouldn't you address it to yourself? Or maybe God or whatever. ..that's even dumber. It's 5 AM. I can't be help accountable for this. It's 5 AM and I'm in my office of all the damn places. This is usually when I would be getting up for my run, comming McKay to wake his sorry ass up, and getting started with another beautiful day. Instead I'm holed up, and I haven't even thought about sleep yet. I should comm McKay, wake his sorry ass up. I go on active-duty again in less than... [looks at his watch, whistling to himself softly] 0900 hours, that's like, two seconds away. I wonder if I can go off-world yet.. Yeah, yeah, I'll look at the freaking schedule this time. Pepper's coming to Atlantis when she gets back from Buenos Aires, I'm so excited. I'm going to put in the request the second I get to the debriefing. God... I haven't told Rodney about that yet. Wonder how that will go over. I received my freaking mini Iron Man today, can't wait to test it out... I bet he can do all sorts of awesome mini stuff... Is this diary really supposed to help? Reveal my inner secrets or some bullshit like that? I think I just can't sleep. No, actually, I know I can't sleep. Insomnia's been hitting and hitting hard this week. It's just not fair. Also not fair I can't sleep in Rodney's quarters But there are alot of things.. unfair in this multiverse world. Guess I should take my own advice for once and suck it up, huh? The bar was a raging success, can't wait until it's in full swing. Applications got sent out today, and I already know Collie wants to help. Odd after what I did to him.. and yes, okay? Don't ask don't tell, I still feel bad about that. Still don't drink orange juice - don't think I ever will again. Or at least as long as this lasts. I hope Heightmeyer isn't "collecting" this stupid thing. I mean, she didn't say anything about that, but maybe she's being sneaky about it. She's good at being sneaky. I wonder if I'll keep seeing her.. I haven't been in nearly two weeks. Speaking of, only it's less relevant than I made it sound, what the fuck does one do for a three month anniversary? It sounds stupid, I know, but.. that's a third of what my marriage was, and half of my tour in Afghanistan. Shame they had to overlap.
Sheppard out.

Muse: Colonel John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Word Count: 520
[ md.001]

comm:diaries, verse:citrus-free, mo:entry, device:diary

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