What would you sacrifice for your lover/partner/spouse? [
everything nothing citrus my P-9 Atlantis powerbars my life my God my country this pen what? it's a cool pen sex ..as long as it wasn't for too long life-support system inertial fucking dampeners flying anything but flying freedom toast my hair the bar Disney golfing surfing running ferris wheels he kind of liked the ferris wheel, didn't he? oh, wait... the respect of a thousand others internet love noodles my jello cup, everytime anything he wanted as long as it was kisses Rodney, I can't give up kisses
His hand hesitates over the paper as he looks at the mess he's made and sighs. Oh well.
Rodney, just don't make me give up kissing or flying and I'll give you anything you want. I can't offer anything but.. Myself. Is that enough? I can throw in a fruitcup too.
Muse: Colonel John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Word Count: 140