OOC: smut meme

Oct 10, 2008 22:12

If you have ever wanted your muse to have some sort of sexual relations with mine, comment here.

I'll write at least 250 words with the pairing. Every fic is to be considered just that, fanfiction, and not actually RP history unless you request that it is. You're welcome to leave any sort of suggestions for the fics you want, but I won't necessarily follow them.

If you've never wanted your muse to have some sort of sexual relations with mine, but do have a favorite pairing you've seen me write with one of my muses, leave a comment. I'm perfectly willing to write that too.

Again, you'll get at least 250 words, fics are to be considered meta and not actual RP history unless requested. Leave anywhere from 1 to 3 pairing suggestions. You'll get at least one.

Muses To Pick From:

Lt. Col. John Sheppard colonelinblack

Detective Juliet O'Hara smellsofpeaches

(pretty much it for active potentially sexual muses but if you want Kat [kendel_atlarge] or Dennis [wantstobeavet] I can work with that too. They both only like women but hey, I'll do whatever XD)

Okay here's the deal. I would appreciate a prompt or suggestion of some kind. As stated above I may not follow it but I'll at least take it into consideration. I'm better at slash/femslash than het but I have no problem with het and will write it obvi. Plus John is "mostly" straight and Jules is straight so my big gay self can deal, I assure you. Second note: I am in school right now and pretty busy so I'm going to be getting to these AS I CAN. This means I may fly through a bunch and then be really slow, and I know I won't do them in order.. so don't take any of it personally okay? I know this is a popular muse and I'm bound to get a bunch of hits. Thank you so much for the fics you guys have written me and John or are in the process of writing. I love you all and can't wait to repay the favor.

<3 Ca John & Jules

mo:fic, mo:ooc, verse:open, meme:general

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