John's many 'verses.

Sep 29, 2015 23:25

Okay, I finally decided to just make a future dated post so ya'll can know what the hell is going on with John and in what verse. I'll link to it in his profile and everything.

Open Verse [ verse:open]

This is the simplest to explain. Basically, this is fair game to any verse (but Tempus, for obvious reasons). You can reply from any verse if it's labeled, but if you don't label it I'm going to probably assume it's citrus-free (or canon, dependent on context).

Canon Verse [ verse:canon]

This is for things pertaining to the show as it happened. Canon. It will usually be in Season 5 as it progresses, but if it's labeled otherwise, it could be otherwise. (Or 4, since CF is set there)

Citrus-free Verse [ verse:citrus-free]

For all intents and purposes, this John is pretty well-rooted in mid/late Season 4. That said, I do a lot of bendy time in this verse. And in life in general. So just expect and deal with it accordingly. As is.. er, implied, he will eventually end up with Rodney equaling McShep.. verse. My Rodney is: im_with_genius. Also in this I make some season 5 references though they're not completely solid. He talks about "meeting himself" and may occasionally mention Woolsey. Not AU perse just bendy-time. Also in this verse he is very good friends with Shawn [dial_a_pyschic] and has something of a man-crush on him due to a certain device... This is also the verse in which Tony Stark [builfromscraps] comes to visit and gives them a way to use the Stargate back to Earth. This is my most-used verse and where John is most solid. So if you have any doubts as to what verse your character falls in or where a certain interaction took place? Probably in CF though feel free to ask. I'm pretty good at labeling it if it's otherwise.

Gravity Defiant Verse [ verse:gravity]

John's most recent verse where he will be hooking up (eventually) with Carson Beckett [saltire_patch]. This verse is set in Season 2 and deals with the Wraith Serum Arc.
More to come...

Tempus Incognitum Verse [ verse:tempus]

The ultimate crack!verse. Here, John is Commander Jonathon Sheppard of the British Navy. Born Giovanni Simone of Italy, he comes to England to start over. His nemesis is Pirate Anthony Edward Stark [builfromscraps] and he hates his wife, Virginia [only_pepper]. He's quite a bit sluttier in this verse (a sluttier John, you say? Yes, yes I do) and will sleep with anything that walks. Most likely. Right now he is pursuing Adalia [adalia_krause], but that can change in an instant. He might end up with Rodney, he might go on being a slut, only time will tell ;)

The Slingshot Verse [ verse:slingshot]

This verse is mostly moot for now, but I may pick it up again after the series ends. Taking place around the "fictional" aka made-up season 6/7, this John is a full blown Colonel and has known Agent Stark Patrick [followedhimdown] of the X-Files for about two years now. The Wraith take over the city and Atlantis is evacuated, and so John returns to Earth and shows up at her door. He gets clearance for her to come to Atlantis as a specialist and soon afterwords SGA-1 stumbles upon a ZPM and establishes a wormhole to Earth. Originally only intended as a temporary FBI presence Agent Patrick is stranded on Atlantis indefinitely when the new ZPM is unforseeably stolen. This John is also totally open for meeting his present-timeline friends in the flesh and silly AU Earth stuff. He's 40 and very self-conscious about it also.

Astral Plane Verse [ verse:astral plane]

The ultimate crackverse. This verse is just a shipping verse between dial_a_psychic and Shep in which they are brought together by a dream device. This device allows them to meet in the astral plane for dates and crack the like.

As a note, all interactions in sixwordstories will be part of the Citrus-free verse unless otherwise indicated.

verse:citrus-free, mo:ooc, verse:open, verse:canon, verse:astral plane, verse:tempus, verse:gravity defiant, verse:slingshot

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