10:02:23 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): You're lucky that supposedly I'm a hero. ;P
10:02:39 PM John (colonelinblack): Hi, who is this?
10:02:42 PM John (colonelinblack): Wait, don't tell me...
10:02:48 PM John (colonelinblack): Um.
10:02:52 PM John (colonelinblack): OK, tell me.
10:03:03 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well that's no fun
10:03:15 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): how many girls do you know would classify themselves as unbreakable?
10:03:23 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): wait..maybe I don't want to know
10:03:49 PM John (colonelinblack): ...Wow, yeah. I don't think I do either.
10:03:53 PM John (colonelinblack): Hi Claire :)
10:04:08 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Hi John :)
10:04:37 PM John (colonelinblack): What're you up to, Ms Unbrakeable.
10:04:55 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Not too much, what are you up to Mr. Bored?
10:05:08 PM John (colonelinblack): ...Not mission reports
10:05:31 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well, that's why it's a good thing I'm a Hero. I'll help you stay away from them, heh
10:06:11 PM John (colonelinblack): Haha, my savior
10:06:22 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): You're so screwed
10:06:26 PM John (colonelinblack): McKay actually saved me earlier from them.. surprising as that is
10:06:37 PM John (colonelinblack): He usually won't even let me in the lab unless he's gloating
10:06:47 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Gloating about what?
10:07:12 PM John (colonelinblack): ..Being awesome? I don't know, he's Rodney.
10:07:16 PM John (colonelinblack): It's always something
10:07:29 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well, at least he has something, so we'll give him that
10:07:47 PM John (colonelinblack): He has something so we'll give him something? Why does this seem flawed.
10:08:21 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I never said it made sense!
10:08:37 PM John (colonelinblack): OK, fine.
10:08:44 PM John (colonelinblack): Unbreakable girls don't need to make sense.
10:08:45 PM John (colonelinblack): Noted.
10:08:56 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): No, the fact that I'm a girl means I don't have to make sense
10:09:03 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Unbreakable means you can't really beat me for it
10:09:07 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well, you could...but it'd be useless
10:09:52 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah.. I don't hit girls anyway.
10:10:05 PM John (colonelinblack): It's all in the meme I did earlier.. also to avoid mission reports
10:10:15 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): which meme?
10:10:36 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I do them once in awhile but I tend to get embarrassed or atleast over the one that got answered to
10:11:10 PM John (colonelinblack): ..What?
10:11:25 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh, uh, my ex boss had a 60 Q meme that was kind of fun
10:11:30 PM John (colonelinblack): So I stole it from her...
10:11:45 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Ah fun, I never have the attention span for those things
10:12:01 PM John (colonelinblack):
http://colonelinblack.livejournal.com/3588.html .. Oh, then I guess that link is pointless.
10:12:13 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I can read them but I don't know if I'll ever do it
10:12:34 PM John (colonelinblack): It's really sad that at nearly 30 years old I'd rather answer 60 questions about my general person than do my work.
10:12:52 PM John (colonelinblack): This is the guy they pick for super top secret military mission?
10:12:54 PM John (colonelinblack): Sheesh.
10:13:14 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Maybe you do the job when it counts?
10:13:19 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh, I do.
10:13:27 PM John (colonelinblack): Never said I wasn't good at my job.
10:13:33 PM John (colonelinblack): Just said... I wasn't good at my job
10:13:35 PM John (colonelinblack): Right
10:13:41 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): hehe
10:13:49 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): well, at least they didn't put the fate of the world on your shoulders
10:13:55 PM John (colonelinblack): Um. Yeah
10:13:59 PM John (colonelinblack): At least there's that...
10:14:19 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Seriously, there was this whole "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World".
10:14:54 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): It was a lot to take in
10:15:25 PM John (colonelinblack): Save the cheerleader, save the... what is that, a primetime NBC slogan? Jesus.
10:15:35 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Sure sounds like it, doesn't it?
10:15:41 PM John (colonelinblack): Just a bit
10:16:02 PM John (colonelinblack): Do the mission reports, save the Colonel's skin
10:16:04 PM John (colonelinblack): Not as catchy
10:16:19 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I would but I'd mess them up and hello, kind of galaxies away
10:16:37 PM John (colonelinblack): I'll mess them up, too
10:16:41 PM John (colonelinblack): It's inevitable
10:16:46 PM John (colonelinblack): They were meant to be messed up
10:16:50 PM John (colonelinblack): This is fate
10:16:50 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): You need an assistant
10:16:58 PM John (colonelinblack): ...hm
10:17:06 PM John (colonelinblack): That would be dangerous
10:17:25 PM John (colonelinblack): My meager paycheck would feed her alcoholism and I would never do anything for myself ever again
10:18:10 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): ...do you already have an assistant?
10:18:24 PM John (colonelinblack): No.
10:18:44 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well how do you know she'd be an alcoholic?
10:18:51 PM John (colonelinblack): ... I don't
10:18:53 PM John (colonelinblack): But she could be
10:18:55 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Gotcha.
10:18:58 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): >.>
10:19:08 PM John (colonelinblack): If not, she might gamble... or be addicted to soap operas
10:19:10 PM John (colonelinblack): You never know.
10:19:23 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Can I come be your assistant?
10:19:32 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I want to go into hiding
10:20:02 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh god, I'm already trying to get one girl security clearance... Not to mention we can't dial Earth
10:20:23 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): But you can chat on aim?
10:20:26 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): that's...odd.
10:21:01 PM John (colonelinblack): ... You're kidding. I have to fill out a separate report to get this girl in here? Dammit.
10:21:20 PM John (colonelinblack): Uh... it's part of this weird internet thing. We have a lot of really weird technology
10:21:28 PM John (colonelinblack): Not enough power to get home though
10:21:33 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Very weird
10:21:36 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): course I don't ask
10:21:43 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I can never die. Go me. Plus the other stuff, I've seen
10:21:46 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yeah, better not to ask
10:21:52 PM John (colonelinblack): ... Ask what?
10:22:04 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Just...a general statement
10:22:09 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh.
10:23:38 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): So what are you doing now?
10:23:58 PM John (colonelinblack): Um. Solitaire.
10:24:53 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Oh so much fun
10:25:12 PM John (colonelinblack): Chatting with Ronon and Keller, too
10:25:18 PM John (colonelinblack): They're... a trip
10:25:26 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Good, at least you're having fun
10:25:29 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): :)
10:25:40 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah...
10:25:56 PM John (colonelinblack): But you know procrastination, it's always hanging over your head,,,
10:26:03 PM John (colonelinblack): How did I get through school>
10:26:08 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I don't know?
10:26:10 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Bluffed?
10:26:10 PM John (colonelinblack): I don't understand.
10:26:15 PM John (colonelinblack): Maybe that's it
10:27:16 PM John (colonelinblack): ..Why didn't I realize Ronon had a crush on Keller?
10:27:19 PM John (colonelinblack): Well, I'll be
10:27:27 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Huh?
10:27:31 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh. Um
10:27:41 PM John (colonelinblack): Ronon = alien on my team
10:27:43 PM John (colonelinblack): One of tem
10:27:45 PM John (colonelinblack): them*
10:27:55 PM John (colonelinblack): Keller is.. our doctor. She's pretty great
10:29:05 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Aww thats good
10:29:07 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): right?
10:29:22 PM John (colonelinblack): I think it's... kind of adorable
10:29:33 PM John (colonelinblack): And I'm kind of wondering how I didn't notice
10:29:39 PM John (colonelinblack): Ronon does not blush
10:30:05 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): awww
10:30:59 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I found little bottles of booze!
10:32:02 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh, be careful with those
10:32:08 PM John (colonelinblack): I hear they're highly flammable
10:32:13 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Not my worry
10:32:19 PM John (colonelinblack): I didn't think so
10:32:48 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Its been a crappy few weeks
10:33:25 PM John (colonelinblack): ... Told you my assistant would have alcoholism
10:33:32 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I thought you were getting someone else in
10:33:33 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): hehe
10:33:44 PM John (colonelinblack): I have to go fill out that clearance report like, NOW. But I'll be on later...
10:33:54 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Okay, I will talk to you in awhile
10:34:07 PM John (colonelinblack): It's a deal
10:34:26 PM John (colonelinblack): If you're drunk by then, I salute you and I hope you'll still be able to type
10:34:46 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I'll be able to type....not sure how well. I've never really drank before
10:34:49 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Talk to you later!
10:35:04 PM John (colonelinblack): Be careful, I should say
11:18:57 PM John (colonelinblack): Back.
11:19:08 PM John (colonelinblack): How are you faring?
11:19:19 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Not too bad!
11:19:45 PM John (colonelinblack): ..drunk?
11:20:07 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): It's only beeen an hour.
11:20:10 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): been even
11:20:12 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): hehe
11:20:25 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): oohh, not quite an hour
11:20:37 PM John (colonelinblack): ..Really?
11:20:46 PM John (colonelinblack): I finished something in under an hour?
11:20:50 PM John (colonelinblack): Wow.
11:20:52 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): ...wow.
11:20:54 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): too many comments
11:20:58 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): :P
11:21:01 PM John (colonelinblack): ...
11:21:06 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I'm sorry!
11:21:10 PM John (colonelinblack): Thanks for the vote of confidence
11:21:23 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): about what? your paperwork?
11:21:46 PM John (colonelinblack): ..Sure
11:21:54 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Thats what I was talking about!
11:22:05 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): because you've been spending how long trying to avoid it
11:22:10 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): and then you got it done in no time!
11:22:23 PM John (colonelinblack): Well, I still have 2 reports to do
11:22:28 PM John (colonelinblack): I only did the one ...
11:22:41 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): still, that's one more than you had awhile ago
11:23:49 PM John (colonelinblack): I know that's why I don't get it
11:24:06 PM John (colonelinblack): I also have no idea if they're going to buy the reason in this report
11:24:13 PM John (colonelinblack): ..but they haven't stopped me yet
11:24:24 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): as long as the job is done sort of thing?
11:24:34 PM John (colonelinblack): Well...
11:24:41 PM John (colonelinblack): It's not really
11:24:49 PM John (colonelinblack): It's more of an on-going thing
11:24:59 PM John (colonelinblack): Not something to be finished perse
11:25:16 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): well, okay....fun
11:25:19 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): what do you do?
11:26:31 PM John (colonelinblack): Uh...
11:26:36 PM John (colonelinblack): A lot of things really
11:27:14 PM John (colonelinblack): Mostly my job is killing Wraith, or at least defending people from them, so.. killing them.
11:27:25 PM John (colonelinblack): And helping the scientific types find cool stuff
11:27:32 PM John (colonelinblack): That we can use to get back home
11:27:36 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Wraith?
11:27:47 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh, they're.. nasty life-sucking alien.. guys.
11:27:56 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): um..ew
11:28:03 PM John (colonelinblack): I met a nice one once
11:28:09 PM John (colonelinblack): Well, OK, not inice
11:28:20 PM John (colonelinblack): But like. He helped me
11:28:36 PM John (colonelinblack): Instead of eating me, which.. I thought was nice at the time
11:28:53 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): yeah i can see how that would be nice
11:29:01 PM John (colonelinblack): I don't like being eaten
11:29:10 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): can't imagine that it's nice
11:29:14 PM John (colonelinblack): So basically my job is.. not being eaten
11:29:25 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): well you seem to be succeeding so far then
11:29:30 PM John (colonelinblack): And writing reports about it
11:30:21 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): sounds interesting
11:31:20 PM John (colonelinblack): You would think
11:32:11 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): well I basically try not to get caught
11:32:32 PM John (colonelinblack): It's exhausting, isn't it?
11:32:50 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Some days more than worse
11:33:39 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh, I know
11:34:12 PM John (colonelinblack): You know, the military would freaking love to get their hands on you
11:35:00 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): yeah...so I've heard
11:35:07 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): one of the reasons my dad hid me
11:36:20 PM John (colonelinblack): But I also know some really, rather nice people on Cheyenne mountain that would like.. to ... um.
11:36:32 PM John (colonelinblack): Well, that's how I got here so maybe they could find a use for you
11:36:36 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Like to....umn?
11:36:43 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): A use for me?
11:36:58 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah, not to say you're something to be used
11:37:04 PM John (colonelinblack): But like, you're hiding
11:37:09 PM John (colonelinblack): They're experts at hiding things
11:37:12 PM John (colonelinblack): From everyone
11:37:16 PM John (colonelinblack): ....except aliens
11:37:36 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Part of me wants to go into hiding
11:37:51 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Adam doesn't think I should, but...I can't help but think it'd be better to leave
11:38:03 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): My family would be upset but at least I wouldn't be ruining their lives anymore
11:38:40 PM John (colonelinblack): Well, I'm sure you aren't ruining their lives
11:38:46 PM John (colonelinblack): But it certainly is your decision
11:39:06 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): well, it started with my dad
11:39:14 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): but he's done a lot to protect me
11:39:27 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): he even moved us away from our home to California when the Company found out about me
11:39:31 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): when he got killed
11:39:43 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): then the Company brought him back and basically they have him somewhere
11:39:52 PM John (colonelinblack): They brought him back?
11:39:57 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): ...with my blood
11:40:02 PM John (colonelinblack): ... Oh.
11:40:04 PM John (colonelinblack): Maybe
11:40:08 PM John (colonelinblack): That's how that happened
11:40:11 PM John (colonelinblack): Hm.
11:40:17 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): How what happened?
11:40:59 PM John (colonelinblack): I killed someone... But he's back now. Says he won't come back to Atlantis even if we could establish a wormhole. But... he doesn't know how
11:41:12 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Who was he?
11:41:19 PM John (colonelinblack): He was.. well
11:41:20 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I don't think...well, it wasn't my blood
11:41:28 PM John (colonelinblack): He was my superior officer
11:41:37 PM John (colonelinblack): Maybe it was something similar, I mean
11:41:43 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): It might have been
11:41:45 PM John (colonelinblack): There are a lot of people like you, right?
11:41:54 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well, yes but we're all different
11:42:03 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Adam is the only other one with my ability
11:42:11 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I imagine there are healers though
11:42:12 PM John (colonelinblack): .. And you know this for sure?
11:42:29 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well, he's been alive for 400 years and he created the Company...he said I'm the only other one who has his ability
11:42:36 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): well, Peter has it too but its not his original.
11:42:40 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Peter absorbs powers
11:42:56 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): kind of like Sylar but Sylar takes them somehow....Peter just has to be around the person
11:43:10 PM John (colonelinblack): Right, something about brain surgery
11:43:31 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well yeah
11:43:42 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): its gross but he's killed people by cutting off the top of their head or somethin
11:45:22 PM John (colonelinblack): Ew
11:45:37 PM John (colonelinblack): What the Wraith do is pretty gross, too
11:45:58 PM John (colonelinblack): It's... not fun having years sucked from your life, and that's all I have to say about it
11:46:18 PM John (colonelinblack): You know, I wonder if the Wraith could feed from you. Probably not
11:46:28 PM John (colonelinblack): You're making me wish more and more I could get to you
11:46:40 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Why?
11:46:58 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): They might be able to....eww, I'd probably be like a non stop source for them
11:48:04 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh. Ew.
11:48:11 PM John (colonelinblack): I didn't think about that
11:48:26 PM John (colonelinblack): This is why I have scientists to think for me
11:48:40 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Oh shush, I'm sure you're smart
11:48:58 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): But why do you wish you could get to me?
11:49:26 PM John (colonelinblack): Because I think it's stupid all the best things are secrets
11:49:33 PM John (colonelinblack): Here, you wouldn't have to hide
11:49:44 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): ...
11:49:46 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I'm not a best thing
11:49:52 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): but it'd be nice
11:49:55 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): not to have to hide
11:50:06 PM John (colonelinblack): Who says? I think you're pretty darn cool
11:50:33 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): wow...uh thanks
11:50:40 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I'd be a walking first aid kit too
11:52:15 PM John (colonelinblack): Exactly!
11:52:26 PM John (colonelinblack): Alas, we have no more ZPMs
11:52:38 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): ZPMs?
11:52:40 PM John (colonelinblack): Rodney and I thought we had something... but now we're just messed up somehow
11:52:55 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh yeah, ZedPMs they're like this massive power source
11:53:04 PM John (colonelinblack): Giant.. crystally.. things.
11:53:12 PM John (colonelinblack): It's how we run the city
11:53:20 PM John (colonelinblack): We would need more to get back to Earth
11:53:35 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Where are they?
11:53:47 PM John (colonelinblack): So we travel to planets and see if there are any nice aliens who would like to trade for our Ancient gizmos we find on Atlantis
11:54:03 PM John (colonelinblack): They're.. in a lot of places
11:54:29 PM John (colonelinblack): The Milky Way, which is why there are Stargates on Earth too... how we got to the Pegasus galaxy, of course
11:54:43 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I wish I could see where you are
11:54:55 PM John (colonelinblack): It's.. very beautiful
11:55:02 PM John (colonelinblack): Here, maybe I could send you a picture.
11:55:31 PM John (colonelinblack):
http://www.scifi-meshes.com/meshes/gallery/atlrender.jpg11:55:51 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Wow.
11:55:57 PM John (colonelinblack): Yep!
11:56:26 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I think it'd be fun going to the different planets?
11:56:31 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): as long as I can stay away from Wraiths
11:56:45 PM John (colonelinblack): That's... exactly how all of us here feel
11:57:16 PM John (colonelinblack): The first planet we visited
11:57:22 PM John (colonelinblack): was where I met Teyla
11:57:27 PM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Teyla?
11:57:27 PM John (colonelinblack): Ethosia
11:57:32 PM John (colonelinblack): the planet
11:57:38 PM John (colonelinblack): These people.. Ethosians
11:57:53 PM John (colonelinblack): lived there for a long time and their planet was not unlike Earth
11:58:08 PM John (colonelinblack): they are human, just slightly different from me.. or you, really
11:58:29 PM John (colonelinblack): But when we came to Ethosia we accidently woke the Wraith
11:58:40 PM John (colonelinblack): and it is now.. kind of our responsibility to stop them
11:58:47 PM John (colonelinblack): We want to be good neighbors, after all
11:59:10 PM John (colonelinblack): And Teyla is one of my best friends now, she works along McKay, Ronon and myself
11:59:16 PM John (colonelinblack): as part of SGA-1
12:00:01 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): That's cool
12:01:20 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): oh ew
12:01:29 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): my friend just sent me a picture that he took one day
12:01:46 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): He used to tape and take pictures of me testing my ability.
12:02:01 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): He's with me in New York now. We didn't get to see each other after my dad moved us
12:02:39 AM John (colonelinblack): Oh, that's... very hard
12:02:49 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yeah I couldn't tell him
12:03:00 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): but we managed to reconnect which is good, he was my support
12:03:10 AM John (colonelinblack): I know how that is. I can't tell any of my friends from back home.
12:03:25 AM John (colonelinblack): Not that I had many
12:03:30 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I couldn't tell any...
12:03:36 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I told Zach because I trusted him
12:03:46 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I got secretive and a lot of my friends turned on me
12:03:51 AM John (colonelinblack): Well, then, I'm sure he deserves your trust
12:03:58 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): He does
12:04:02 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): He's keeping me sane
12:04:27 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): He keeps me from thinking about West and everything that went on with my dad
12:04:37 AM John (colonelinblack): brb
12:08:43 AM John (colonelinblack): back
12:09:21 AM John (colonelinblack): So what kind of alcohol ya got there?
12:11:18 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): umm....
12:11:26 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): vodka
12:11:28 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): whiskey
12:11:35 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): some other stuff that was good!
12:12:06 AM John (colonelinblack): Anyone ever teach you not to mix your liquor?
12:12:14 AM John (colonelinblack): Cause if not I'm teaching you now
12:12:19 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Ohh...nope!
12:13:31 AM John (colonelinblack): It's a good lesson to learn
12:13:34 AM John (colonelinblack): Early.
12:13:37 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I've never really drank before
12:13:41 AM John (colonelinblack): ...Wait a minute
12:13:46 AM John (colonelinblack): Can you even get drunk?
12:13:54 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yes, I think I can because I feel it
12:14:08 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): but I can't get alcohol poisoning and die
12:14:11 AM John (colonelinblack): But won't your body just heal it?
12:14:15 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): or I could...but I'd just come back
12:14:21 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): This makes me head hurt
12:14:28 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I don't know if I can get drunk drunk
12:14:28 AM John (colonelinblack): Hm. That's drunk all right
12:14:32 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I'd have to ask Adam.
12:14:38 AM John (colonelinblack): Well, all the better than
12:14:45 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): God, I hate this.
12:14:48 AM John (colonelinblack): At least you can't get negligent
12:14:51 AM John (colonelinblack): Hate what?
12:14:57 AM John (colonelinblack): Booze, already?
12:14:58 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): This...everything.
12:15:00 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): No.
12:15:05 AM John (colonelinblack): You're too young to hate booze so.. good.
12:16:11 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Its just been crap few weeks and now I don't even know if I can get drunk
12:16:41 AM John (colonelinblack): Alcohol can't help you, you know
12:16:55 AM John (colonelinblack): It can make you feel good, maybe. For an hour? A few...
12:16:57 AM John (colonelinblack): That's all
12:17:03 AM John (colonelinblack): And there's no guarantee of that really
12:17:13 AM John (colonelinblack): Even if you weren't.. how you are
12:17:13 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): You know what?
12:17:21 AM John (colonelinblack): What?
12:17:56 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I need to stop whining.
12:18:03 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I feel like I'm sad or angry all the time
12:18:32 AM John (colonelinblack): :D
12:18:36 AM John (colonelinblack): I like you, kid
12:18:43 AM John (colonelinblack): You got fight in ya
12:18:56 AM John (colonelinblack): Well... obviously
12:19:04 AM John (colonelinblack): But you know what I mean.
12:19:16 AM John (colonelinblack): Not many 17 year old girls stop whining to think about it, you know?
12:19:36 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Well, let's face the fact, I'm going to live forever.
12:20:09 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I can either cry about it (which I've done) or I can face it
12:20:28 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I mean, obviously I'm going to cry when people die and such...but....Adam has done it for 400 years
12:20:35 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): and like he said, I have him and Peter
12:20:59 AM John (colonelinblack): I obviously can't empathize with being immortal
12:21:09 AM John (colonelinblack): But.. I know you'll make it
12:21:19 AM John (colonelinblack): You'll do well, you'll see
12:21:24 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I haven't fully gotten there yet, I think a small part of me is in denial yet
12:21:37 AM John (colonelinblack): That's to be expected, I'd think
12:22:04 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Course I don't know how I'd ever do the relationship thing
12:22:22 AM John (colonelinblack): ...I know a guy who dated an immortal chick
12:22:25 AM John (colonelinblack): They do OK
12:22:31 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): For how long?
12:22:52 AM John (colonelinblack): Uh... I'm not sure. They were still dating when I left a few years ago
12:23:22 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): But when it gets to the point that he looks like her dad?
12:23:40 AM John (colonelinblack): haha, I'm not sure Dr Jackson ages
12:23:50 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): So he's immortal too?
12:23:50 AM John (colonelinblack): He lives on allergies and ancient runes or something
12:23:55 AM John (colonelinblack): No, he's very much mortal
12:24:04 AM John (colonelinblack): I was making a bad joke
12:24:10 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Oohh okay
12:24:11 AM John (colonelinblack): ...like I do
12:24:42 AM John (colonelinblack): I can't answer your questions, Claire
12:24:54 AM John (colonelinblack): And I don't even know if this Adam guy can, but...
12:25:05 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I don't think he can answer them all.
12:25:12 AM John (colonelinblack): You've got a long time to think about it and that doesn't have to be a bad thing
12:25:22 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Just lonely
12:25:27 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Good thing I'm kind of used to it
12:25:35 AM John (colonelinblack): But think of all the people you'll me
12:25:37 AM John (colonelinblack): et.
12:26:00 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): And watch die as I remain looking like an eighteen year old?
12:26:06 AM John (colonelinblack): I'm sure it'll be sad at times, but... you have this opportunity to meet more people than anyone else, ever,. You get to see people change and grow and...
12:26:06 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): oh god, gees, it's my birthday soon
12:26:11 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): *facepalms*
12:26:16 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Die?
12:26:23 AM John (colonelinblack): I'm sorry, I'll quit with the optimism
12:26:45 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I'll stop with the pessimism...or however that's spelled
12:26:53 AM John (colonelinblack): Beats me
12:27:09 AM John (colonelinblack): They don't ask you to spell at the Airforce Academy
12:27:27 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): How do I get into that?
12:27:41 AM John (colonelinblack): You'd wanna fly?
12:27:55 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Sure, my ex flew.
12:28:01 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I flew with him
12:28:01 AM John (colonelinblack): WEll
12:28:07 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): My biological dad flies too
12:28:08 AM John (colonelinblack): This is in an aircraft
12:28:21 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Still would be fun
12:28:29 AM John (colonelinblack): There's nothing like it
12:29:02 AM John (colonelinblack): It's all I've ever wanted to do
12:29:21 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I'm not even sure what I want to do now
12:29:52 AM John (colonelinblack): Well, you could do a million things
12:30:22 AM John (colonelinblack): You have hundreds of years
12:32:47 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yeah
12:32:50 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I could go to war.
12:32:54 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Heal troops
12:32:58 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Or explore things
12:33:07 AM John (colonelinblack): War's not fun, even for people who don't die
12:33:13 AM John (colonelinblack): Exploring.. exploring is fun
12:33:17 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I've been in some weird things already
12:33:32 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I've been in a...well, in the middle of a fire started by a nuclear guy
12:34:11 AM John (colonelinblack): ..Ouch
12:34:26 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yeah, I was really burnt up and charred
12:34:54 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl):
http://heroeswiki.com/images/8/80/Charredclaire.jpg12:35:19 AM John (colonelinblack): .. Oh
12:35:25 AM John (colonelinblack): Who took this picture?
12:35:27 AM John (colonelinblack): Zach?
12:35:53 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I'm not sure, might have been someone in the company
12:36:00 AM John (colonelinblack): That's intense
12:37:28 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yeah I've been through a lot of weird things
12:37:38 AM John (colonelinblack): As have I...
12:37:54 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Does it make you tired at times?
12:37:59 AM John (colonelinblack): Oh yeah.
12:38:02 AM John (colonelinblack): Real tired
12:38:09 AM John (colonelinblack): Never too tired to get back up again
12:38:17 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Unfortunately no
12:38:40 AM John (colonelinblack): Did I tell you the story of when a giant alien spider thing latched onto my neck? And I had to save my team...
12:38:49 AM John (colonelinblack): But I couldn't move my legs
12:38:54 AM John (colonelinblack): Man, that sucked
12:39:19 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): OMG!
12:39:22 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): EWW!
12:39:35 AM John (colonelinblack): Yeah, it was not one of my hottest moments
12:40:47 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I really hate spiders
12:41:06 AM John (colonelinblack): Yeah, I'm not too keen on the little things
12:41:24 AM John (colonelinblack): SG-1, that's the team on Earth that's just like mine?
12:41:35 AM John (colonelinblack): They had to face these mechanical spiders called replicators
12:41:38 AM John (colonelinblack): Really evil things
12:41:55 AM John (colonelinblack): The ones in our galaxy look like humans, I haven't decided which is worse
12:42:29 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Okay, I'm not coming up there
12:42:30 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Sorry.
12:43:09 AM John (colonelinblack): It's understandable
12:43:14 AM John (colonelinblack): Lots of scary things about
12:43:23 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I have enough of them down here
12:43:47 AM John (colonelinblack): Yeah... I love Atlantis though
12:44:01 AM John (colonelinblack): And the people I've met here...
12:44:17 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): You're lucky
12:44:29 AM John (colonelinblack): How's that?
12:45:54 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): You've got somewhere you love and you have good friends
12:46:15 AM John (colonelinblack): You sound like you have good friends too, though
12:46:20 AM John (colonelinblack): Adam, Peter, Zach...
12:46:51 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Adam I just met. Peter is my birth uncle...who I don't really know but he's my hero, he's the only one who has ever made me feel safe. Zach is a good friend, I'm just glad he forgave me
12:48:35 AM John (colonelinblack): Even people you've just met.. can be good friends
12:49:35 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Adam and Peter, well we think Peter will live forever
12:50:02 AM John (colonelinblack): But you're not sure because it isn't his original... um, ..?
12:50:33 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yes, exactly.
12:50:41 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Peter's original power is to...mimic powers.
12:51:25 AM John (colonelinblack): Right.
12:51:37 AM John (colonelinblack): So he's like... a parrot
12:51:40 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): He's got a lot of them
12:51:47 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Kind of but he doesn't lose them, he keeps them all
12:52:21 AM John (colonelinblack): That sounds... overwhelming
12:52:35 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): It is, I think.
12:52:42 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): He nearly blew up New York once
12:52:52 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): He couldn't control a power he had just gained
12:52:55 AM John (colonelinblack): Oh. Wow.
12:54:02 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I was supposed to shoot him but I couldn't
12:54:11 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Then his brother showed up and flew him away.
12:54:44 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I think Nathan was injured but Adam cured him and Peter was missing
12:55:06 AM John (colonelinblack): And Nathan's his brother?
12:55:08 AM John (colonelinblack): Your.. dad?
12:55:11 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yes.
12:55:19 AM John (colonelinblack): Gotcha
12:55:53 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): This is Nathan
http://l.yimg.com/img.tv.yahoo.com/tv/us/img/site/52/03/0000035203_20061021061612.jpg12:56:09 AM John (colonelinblack): He looks very serious
12:56:15 AM John (colonelinblack): ...and very Italian
12:56:25 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): This is Peter
http://l.yimg.com/img.tv.yahoo.com/tv/us/img/site/52/00/0000035200_20061021061603.jpg12:56:36 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yeah they are, so I guess I'm half Italian
12:56:44 AM John (colonelinblack): He looks less serious.. and less Italian, too.
12:56:59 AM John (colonelinblack): Do you still talk to your mom?
12:57:56 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Only once, I get my blond from her
http://heroeswiki.com/images/6/64/Meredith_Gordon.jpg12:58:43 AM John (colonelinblack): She's very beautiful
12:58:46 AM John (colonelinblack): Why only once?
12:58:53 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I wasn't raised by them
12:58:57 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I was adopted.
12:59:10 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I only found her a few months ago
12:59:18 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I didn't know I was adopted till I was 13
12:59:54 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): These are my parents
http://media.canada.com/gallery/heroes_recap30/nup_110090_0347.jpg1:01:27 AM John (colonelinblack): ...Why do I only ever see this episode of Chappelle's Show.
1:01:35 AM John (colonelinblack): Oh yeah, because I only have the one.
1:01:38 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): What?
1:01:56 AM John (colonelinblack): Nothing. There's no TV in the Pegasus galaxy
1:02:08 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Oh wow, that sucks
1:02:27 AM John (colonelinblack): So you're parents are just.. normal people?
1:02:32 AM John (colonelinblack): That's extraordinary
1:03:00 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yes, my adopted parents are...except my dad worked for the Company
1:03:08 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Nathan can fly and my birth mother can create fire
1:04:05 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Sounds like my grandparents, Nathan and Peter's parents, were special too
1:04:21 AM John (colonelinblack): Hm..
1:04:43 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): What?
1:05:32 AM John (colonelinblack): Dunno. Just thinking
1:05:56 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I know, it all sounds weird
1:06:43 AM John (colonelinblack): And being in another galaxy with face-hugging spiders and a hypoglycemic doctor isn't?
1:06:59 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): ....True.
1:07:01 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): You got me there.
1:07:15 AM John (colonelinblack): You know you can talk to me, right? I'll believe you no matter what you say
1:07:40 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): I know, that's the nice thing about talking to you
1:08:41 AM John (colonelinblack): Aw, shucks
1:08:52 AM John (colonelinblack): ...Um, thanks
1:08:59 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): It's true
1:09:01 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): You're welcome
1:10:01 AM John (colonelinblack): I think it's time for me to finish my work and head of to bed, Claire
1:10:08 AM John (colonelinblack): It's been interesting
1:10:12 AM John (colonelinblack): to say the least
1:10:18 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Yeah
1:10:24 AM Claire (unbrkablegirl): Have a good sleep and I will talk to you later