OOC post - John's verses

Aug 23, 2008 12:14

This has been a long time in coming, right? I'm really slow to make posts... But basically I'm going to be playing John in two places on the timeline at once. One set in S3-S5 on bendy-time and one set a little bit in the future where the Wraith have invaded Atlantis and the SGC is attempting to shut down the program altogether.

The Citrus-free Verse

For all intents and purposes, this John is pretty well-routed in mid-season 3, but unless I were to get an Elizabeth... Carter has already taken over the operation even though this does not happen until S4. Not really AU, just some sloshing around on the timeline... As is.. er, implied, he will eventually end up with Rodney equaling McShep.. verse. My Rodney is: im_with_genius. Also in this I make some season 5 references though they're not completely solid. He talks about "meeting himself" and may occasionally mention Woolsey. Again, not AU perse just bendy-time. Also in this verse he is very good friends with Shawn (dial_a_pyschic) and has something of a man-crush on him due to a certain device... This is also the verse in which Tony Stark (builfromscraps) comes to visit and gives them a way to use the Stargate back to Earth. For any future references I will be using the tag "citrus-free verse" and anything relevant to the canon of it will be tagged as such.

The Slingshot Verse

Taking place around the "fictional" aka made-up season 6/7, this John is a full blown Colonel and has known Agent Stark Patrick (followedhimdown) of the X-Files for about two years now. The Wraith take over the city and Atlantis is evacuated, and so John returns to Earth and shows up at her door. He gets clearance for her to come to Atlantis as a specialist and soon afterwords SGA-1 stumbles upon a ZPM and establishes a wormhole to Earth. Originally only intended as a temporary FBI presence Agent Patrick is stranded on Atlantis indefinitely when the new ZPM is unforseeably stolen. This John is also totally open for meeting his present-timeline friends in the flesh and silly AU Earth stuff. He's 40 and very self-conscious about it also.

ETA: As a note, all interactions in sixwordstories will be part of the Citrus-free verse unless otherwise specified.

verse:citrus-free, mo:ooc, verse:slingshot

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