Colonel Sheppard had responded to the Wraith attack with as much finesse and determination that he handled every mission. Unfortunately, as the Ancients had always feared, the Wraith could overpower them once they got their numbers up. Atlantis simply was not equipped to handle an attack of this caliber. Their last-ditch survival plan was set in
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She had never intended to meet John Sheppard face-to-face while in a sports bra and track pants. At least her hair was decent.
"What are you doing here?" she said, staring at him.
"Nothing's... I need.." He wracked his brain for a suitable answer, but came up with nothing and shrugged.
"Mind if I join you?" he asked instead, gesturing to her track pants. "I'll tell you on the way."
She started away from the house, giving him an odd look. "If I'd known you were coming I would've made time -- I've been out all day --"
"Trust me, if I had known.." Shaking his head, he started to jog in time with her, easily keeping pace.
"Everything's gone to hell in a handbasket," he offered after a minute, noting to himself that he really hated that phrase. "They're thinking of shutting the program down."
She had been through that herself, with the shutdown of the X-Files. Granted, it was almost a blessing...she wasn't sure if she would have been able to take much more of that assignment.
"What are you going to do?" she asked, worried then.
"Well, I... I'm not gonna let it stand, Stark. I want you.. to help me get it back." He knew it was a lot to ask. And he wasn't even sure exactly what he wanted her to do, but his resources were limited on Earth and they were trying to take away the only thing he had ever called his...
"I don't know what I can do, John," she said honestly. She was still with Criminal Investigations, still partnered with Doggett, but neither of them had much clout. Still, since when had that stopped them. A slow nod. "But if you think I can help, I'll do the best I can."
After all, she knew what it was like to feel like you were losing your whole world. She had been there before.
"Thanks, Stark... I don't, really have any one else to count on around here..." Around here clearly meaning 'Earth'. "There was a hive-ship, massive attack... there are still people in the city, assuming.. the worst hasn't happened. We have to get back there; they can't do this."
"Keep talking. The more you can tell me, the better," she advised him, turning back for the house. "I'll get my gear and make a few phone calls. How quickly can you get me there?"
He shook his head, not sure what else there was to tell.
"Let's just.. get there. I'll do whatever I have to to get you security clearance and have O'Neill debrief you."
As she stepped back into the house, she threw him the keys to her car. He would have to drive. Then she moved straight through into the bedroom. If he was paying close attention, he'd notice the ring on her left hand that hadn't been there before (and the fact that it was on the wrong hand, being that she was right-handed). But she was too busy pulling a dress shirt and a pair of pants out of the closet. Not to mention Kevlar.
The Kevlar vest went with her. So, too, did her cell phone, handcuffs, a first aid kit and -- obviously she was sort of prepared for these kinds of emergencies.
That reminded her, she ought to call him and tell him what the hell was going on. She picked up the bag and slung it over one shoulder while she also hit the first speed-dial button on her phone.
"Also? It's on the wrong hand. I'm right-handed," she added. "Let me call my partner and we can get gone."
"Whatever needs to get done, Stark. Get it done."
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