8:15:04 PM John (colonelinblack): Katie!
8:15:05 PM John (colonelinblack): Hi
8:15:13 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): hi
8:15:31 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): shoot, brb
8:16:34 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): sorry had to get the teapot off the burner
8:17:20 PM John (colonelinblack): It's alright
8:17:22 PM John (colonelinblack): How are you?
8:17:39 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): good today
8:17:55 PM John (colonelinblack): That's good, glad to hear it
8:18:02 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): thanks :-)
8:18:09 PM John (colonelinblack): ;)
8:18:46 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Just puttering around the flat, I should be cleaning as it's my day off but...
8:19:05 PM John (colonelinblack): But that would be productive?
8:19:11 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): hehe exactly
8:19:56 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah, know how that is...
8:20:28 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): so what do you do? I think I already told you I'm a doctor.
8:20:43 PM John (colonelinblack): I didn't tell you? I'm a Lieutenant Colonel in the Airforce
8:21:26 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): oh right. I got the rank, just not the ... branch of service?
8:22:16 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh! Well, now you know :)
8:22:26 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): that's true!
8:23:00 PM John (colonelinblack): I'm part of a.. foreign research project. It's all highly experimental and ..classified.
8:23:26 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): oh, really?
8:23:42 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): experimental aircraft and all that?
8:25:22 PM John (colonelinblack): You bet
8:25:48 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Nothing like that movie "Top Gun" I bet.
8:26:53 PM John (colonelinblack): It's... really not. I'm no Val Kilmer.
8:27:00 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): haha!
8:27:16 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): he was a right prick, I think.
8:27:45 PM John (colonelinblack): Kilmer or his character? Because Kilmer is an asshole, but in the best way.
8:28:21 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Dunno about Kilmer (though I've had suspicions) but Iceman. Yeah.
8:28:36 PM John (colonelinblack): Gotcha
8:28:48 PM John (colonelinblack): So what kind of doctor are you?
8:29:17 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): You'd call it "ER" doctor
8:29:41 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): It's called Accident and Emergency here
8:30:01 PM John (colonelinblack): Ah.. that's intense work
8:30:49 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Yup, broken bones, heart attacks, nonstop fun in A&E
8:31:33 PM John (colonelinblack): ..And all I can think of is the network
8:31:47 PM John (colonelinblack): But yeah, see plenty of that in the infirmary. On the other end of the whole mess, of course.
8:32:29 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Yeah. Not fun, I can imagine...
8:32:52 PM John (colonelinblack): Oh I don't know, sometimes contracting a virus no one has ever even heard of can be a blast
8:33:50 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): ...
8:33:53 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): yeah that would be bad
8:35:00 PM John (colonelinblack): It's OK, I saved the day in the end
8:35:16 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): well that's good then!
8:35:19 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): :-D
8:36:13 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): what kind of virus was it? will I be seeing articles in medical journals about it soon?
8:37:50 PM John (colonelinblack): I doubt that. I'm a long ways away from... you.
8:38:01 PM John (colonelinblack): It was a nanovirus
8:38:20 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): nanovirus?
8:38:25 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah...
8:38:36 PM John (colonelinblack): Man-made biological warfare kind of stuff
8:40:02 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): that's kind of hard to take in.
8:40:11 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I thought we stopped doing research in that awhile ago
8:40:20 PM John (colonelinblack): Who's 'we'?
8:40:36 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): ... society in general, I thought
8:40:44 PM John (colonelinblack): Apparently not
8:41:14 PM John (colonelinblack): We still don't know who planted the virus, but...
8:41:21 PM John (colonelinblack): We had several casualties
8:41:32 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I'm sorry to hear that.
8:42:19 PM John (colonelinblack): It's... an inevitable part of such a dangerous and experimental mission - true it doesn't make it any better
8:43:45 PM John (colonelinblack): But basically what I did is I flew above the city and dropped a nuclear bomb (essentially) in the air and got the hell away from it. The explosion generated an.. electromagnetic pulse that disabled the virus and saved the city
8:44:01 PM John (colonelinblack): It was really quite brilliant if I do say so myself...
8:44:54 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): An electromagnetic pulse, for a virus. that's new to me!
8:45:24 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah... it was new to me too
8:45:30 PM John (colonelinblack): A lot of new things around here
8:47:34 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Where are you stationed (or can I ask that, classified, and all...)?
8:47:54 PM John (colonelinblack): All I can tell you is that it's very very far away.
8:48:26 PM John (colonelinblack): And also that it's very, very beautiful
8:49:15 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): so... tropical?
8:49:36 PM John (colonelinblack): Not really
8:49:42 PM John (colonelinblack): It is... kind of an island though
8:50:13 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): well anything's got to be better than Cardiff.
8:50:30 PM John (colonelinblack): *lol* What's so bad about Cardiff?
8:50:46 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): ...
8:51:04 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): wet, rainy a good portion of the year
8:51:31 PM John (colonelinblack): Grew up in Seattle, know how that is..
8:52:05 PM John (colonelinblack): When your umbrella needs duck boots you've got a problem
8:52:17 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): what?
8:52:24 PM John (colonelinblack): ...Nothing
8:52:36 PM John (colonelinblack): I'm not even sure that made sense
8:52:51 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): didn't to me...
8:53:08 PM John (colonelinblack): I'm sorry, I haven't really.. been sleeping
8:53:15 PM John (colonelinblack): I don't make sense to myself at this point
8:53:34 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): sleep deprivation will do that to you.
8:53:44 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah, it will
8:54:06 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): has it been going on for a while?
8:54:51 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah... last week one of my team and I encountered .. it's not important. But it's throwing us out of sync
8:55:21 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): oh no
8:56:18 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): have you tried anything to get back to normal?
8:56:35 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah, quite a few things
8:56:56 PM John (colonelinblack): sedatives proved to be the worst possible thing to do
8:57:12 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I try to prescribe those as a last resort...
8:57:31 PM John (colonelinblack): Trust me, it was looking pretty last resort
8:57:47 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): :-(
8:59:32 PM John (colonelinblack): My.. condition causes extreme anxiety and as a result I've been taken off active duty. None of it.. is good.
9:00:51 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I imagine so.
9:01:31 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): have you tried any relaxation exercises, yoga, that sort of thing?
9:02:26 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah, I mean not .. yoga. But I've tried running to exhaust myself and meditatation to try to clear my mind. Neither.. with any luck
9:02:51 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): hmm I don't know what to tell you then.
9:03:11 PM John (colonelinblack): It's alright, doctor. None of mine know what's going on either
9:03:59 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Please, call me Katie!
9:04:14 PM John (colonelinblack): Sorry, Katie
9:04:27 PM John (colonelinblack): I live in a word of rank and titles
9:04:40 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): hehe
9:05:03 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): and I don't really, but everybody calls everybody doctor or nurse, it gets tiring after awhile
9:05:25 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I'm at home, I'm not a doctor
9:05:34 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): :-)
9:05:51 PM John (colonelinblack): That's interesting, because I'm a Colonel all the time
9:06:50 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I mean I can be, it's just that I tend to leave the "doctor" at the office, you know what I mean?
9:07:04 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I guess you can't always be off-duty where you're at.
9:07:36 PM John (colonelinblack): Never
9:07:39 PM John (colonelinblack): I could get a call even now
9:08:10 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Now I think about it, so could I, but I
9:08:22 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I'm not 'on call' this weekend.
9:08:59 PM John (colonelinblack): Yeah... being the ranking military officer of this operation kind of puts a kink in the whole "not on call" ...idea
9:09:11 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): aha
9:10:16 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): ... there are some advantages to being a civilian with her on call pager on silent and in another room in the flat then.
9:10:35 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): (not that it's the case this weekend, really!)
9:11:37 PM John (colonelinblack): Well.. when you live on base it's not really a choice for any of us
9:11:40 PM John (colonelinblack): hey, brb
9:11:50 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): okay, refilling my tea anyway
10:15:44 PM John (colonelinblack): ..Sorry, that was a bit longer than I had anticipated
10:16:00 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): oh!
10:16:09 PM John (colonelinblack): Back now :)
10:16:53 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Damn, Owen just got home.
10:17:02 PM John (colonelinblack): Boyfriend?
10:17:07 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Fiancee
10:17:30 PM John (colonelinblack): ...damn?
10:17:57 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): I was looking forward to chatting a little more but he wants to go out for pizza.
10:18:15 PM John (colonelinblack): Well, there will be other times. Have fun! I miss pizza...
10:18:46 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): they don't have it where you are?
10:19:11 PM John (colonelinblack): Nope. Well, a few times... not really, no.
10:19:34 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): sorry to hear that.
10:19:46 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): Oh great, now he's glaring at me...
10:19:49 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): hehe
10:19:52 PM John (colonelinblack): Bye, Katie
10:19:56 PM Katie (cardiffdctrkatie): bye!
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