Crack Meme time

Dec 21, 2008 15:16

Instead of fics... because I still have queues up from the last fic challenge. Um. lol

Crack Mix Meme

Choose any one of my characters and any one of your characters (up to 3 choices though I'll only promise one) and I'll make a mini mix (3 to 5 songs) in a zip file as an.. interpretation, if you will, of how our characters interact.

Choose from:

colonelinblack John
doesnt_dance Chad
smellsofpeaches Jules
thecloset_twin Cody

kendel_atlarge Kat
czech_em Emilie

If you're really set on another character of mine, might as well request. I might decide to be nice ;)

device:christmas, mo:ooc, mo:crack, meme:general

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