[just_muse_me] - 7.5.2 & 6.5.4

Nov 12, 2008 02:19

[as a small note, Shep is beyond high atm.]

Ten wishes.

1. For Rodney to be here. [Where is he?]
2. For there to be no time zones.
3. For Pepper to be either here, or at least on the same time zone!
4. For sex! [Wait, I can say that, right?]
5. Fuck, now I kind of want jell-o
6. And bubble-wrap. I miss that stuff. It was so awesome.
7. Anyone want to have an RC car battle? I can't find Rodney so .. um, anyone? I'll school you just like I did him!
8. I could go for some beer. Or maybe a popsicle.
9. Do they make jell-o popsicles?
10. I know, jell-o shots! Cam, you're free to do them off my chest since you seem to have such a fascination...

Ten things you love about your significant other.

1. His unerring confidence. [tongue-in-cheek! no, you think?]
2. Okay, the physics thing? Kind of hot.
3. It's like having my very own tech support in my pants!
4. I really like his jacket. The leather one. Yes, the Canadian flag too.
5. That excitability never will get old.... in any capacity.
6. Prime/Not Prime!
7. The noises he makes. Not just in the bedroom! He makes funny noises too. And he screams sometimes, but that's usually not as fun.
8. Things are never dull with him around to get tortured, kidnapped - or even just your standard run-of-the-mill anaphylactic shock. Or passing out from manly hunger!
9. He loves me.
10. He pets my hair and calls me names and lets me harass him .. not that, he gets a choice in the matter. [blinks]

He's also team. Family. And I love him for more reasons than I can count ..well, ten.

mo:lists, verse:citrus-free, comm:muse me, device:alien device, meme:ten things

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