Doppelganger Picspam

Oct 21, 2007 16:09

I finished watching Doppelganger an hour ago and decided it needed to be capped.

Awesome episode! Most notably two Johns *brain melts*, and Lorne! *huggles Lorne* Someone needs to give him some shoes.. they stuck him in isolation and forgot to give him shoes.. tsk tsk. I also loved Rodney's dream, and Ronon's was so sad *pats Ronon*. Also love the team relationship, eating meals together and whatnot =)

Finally, Lorne!

Awww, *hugs*

Oh noes! A whale!

Evil John.

"Some help you are!"

I honestly don't know why he's complaining. He's stuck on a boat with two Johns, it can't be that bad.

rotfl! Clown!

He looks so smug.

Do I really need to justify why this scene has four caps?

He needs to be evil more often...

"I really thought there'd be more hot girls"


picspam, sga

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