Lorne picspam

Dec 19, 2007 19:20

Well this one's been a long time in the making, mostly because I kept getting... distracted *cough*

I should probably warn you all that this will probably contain random outbursts of me going DIMPLES! (No, I still haven't gotten over them XD)

53 caps in all, some of which are spoilery for the first half of season 4.

Hee! Tongue!

Um.. *cough*... yes...


Happy!Lorne! (and DIMPLES!)

I say again... DIMPLES!

Oh noes!

(Randomly, how dorky does John look in the background?)

And again... DIMPLES!

Lorne! Painting! IN JEANS!

I wanted to include so many more caps of him painting... I really did. *sigh*

No shoes!

lost_her_sway pointed this out to me aaages ago, but it looks like Lorne's wearing eyeliner here!

Awww, *gives him a hug*

Replicator!Lorne FTW

I'm gonna pretend he didn't die when fake!Atlantis was destroyed.

ETA: I only just realised I didn't include caps of Lorne in Dress Blues D= I don't know how I let that happen! *has fixed it*

picspam, sga

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