Long-haired!Daniel picspam part 3

Dec 07, 2007 16:39

I promised a continuation of my geeky!long-haired!Daniel picspam, did I not?

Part 1 is here
Part 2 is here

So here's part 3 (22 caps behind the cut)

Beanie!Daniel! In a sarcophagus!

Er... nice jumper, Daniel.

Hee! Poofy hair!

What the hell is he wearing?!

This cap makes me giggle ^__^

More questionable clothing...

Crazy!Daniel! *pets him*

Boonie!Daniel. He wears his boonie in this season quite a bit.

Oooh, blue SGC uniforms!

Aww, back to green.

I honestly just chose this because his hair was ruffled...

Daniel with baby! *dies*


Wet!Daniel ^__^

and more Boonie!Daniel.

Rest assured I'm not done yet! There's still one more part coming ^___^

picspam, sg-1

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