Fic - "My Life Would Suck Without You"

Feb 05, 2011 19:37

Title: My Life Would Suck Without You
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Megamind, Metro Man, cameo from Roxanne. Megamind [dur].
Word Count: 4,734
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Metro Man discovers that Megamind's feet are... rather sensitive.
Warnings: Slash, foot play, foot worship, foot job--- basically, YES I HAVE A FOOT FETISH.
Notes: Sequel to my ( Read more... )

character: megamind, fanfiction, megamind, character: metro man, dirty little secret

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filthy_animal February 6 2011, 05:10:09 UTC
YES. Yes yes yes. <3 Unnnffff your fics of these two! Augh! So good! <3<3<3

W-was that a hint for more? Because I can't wait~! <3



colonel_bastard February 6 2011, 16:39:46 UTC
YAY. Yay yay yay. <3 So happy you liked this one! I always have such a blast when I write these guys together. ^_^

That was definitely a hint for more--- all I want to do is write fic of them fooling around, followed by epilogues featuring an increasingly frustrated Roxanne being all "OKAY SERIOUSLY WHAT IS GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO." XDDD



filthy_animal February 6 2011, 17:53:09 UTC
Yes! I wasn't expecting to like it nearly as much as I did. I kiiiiind of like feet stuff, but most of the time it's written/drawn kind of... creepy? To me, anyway. I don't know how to explain that. Your writing though, it came naturally and normal. I liked that. <3 And it's also easy for me to imagine that stuff happening to Megamind's feet, because my personal head-canon is that he primps/washes obsessively. XD I doubt he's very gross or anything, even by his feets~.

/probably sounds like a creeper. oops.

Anyway, hurrrr. I will have to read this fic again sometime. <3 I love these, augh. I can't wait to see more and more and more~ <3



colonel_bastard February 7 2011, 01:00:20 UTC
I'm very glad that I was able to de-creep a sometimes-creepy fetish! As much as I love my kinks, some of them just don't fit into certain fandoms. I wanted this one to feel natural, so I really appreciate that comment! ^_^

Also, I totally agree about Megamind being very clean. There's something about him that suggests it! I can't even point to any specific thing, I just get that vibe from him.

Hurrrr! I'm so happy you enjoy the fics. :D You're a champion for this fandom! <3


filthy_animal February 7 2011, 01:10:30 UTC
*uses appropriate icon, hurrhurr*

You're welcome! <3 And yeah, idk, there was even a fic on of Roxanne rimming him, and even that didn't bother me. o.O; It usually WOULD. This character, what the heck. c_c

Pffftffftt fttt. Whaaat. YOU'RE the one who wrote this awesome fic! XD


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