Throwing in my hat to help_pakistan!

Aug 21, 2010 16:57

I have always wanted to use my fanfiction for the greater good, and now here's my chance! I saw the Pakistan flooding on the news and knew I had to do something. Thank goodness for an opportunity like help_pakistan!

I'm offering fic, of course! Check out my thread HERE and place a bid if you're interested. If people are really interested I will offer more than one fic, but I didn't want to get too ambitious and then be like "awww." XD

I decided not to offer GMD fic since I write whatever I get prompted in the kinkmeme ANYWAY so it wouldn't be all that special. :P

Place bids! Contribute fanworks! This is a rare chance for us to use our fandom-love to save the WORLD. *majestic pose*
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