Fic - "A Private Little War"

Jul 20, 2010 19:41

Title: A Private Little War
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Basil, Ratigan, Dawson. The Great Mouse Detective.
Word Count: 4,000
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Between the capture and the kill, Ratigan savors the moment. Dawson observes and intervenes.
Warnings: Molestation, an F-bomb, general desecration of beloved Disney characters.
Notes: ( Read more... )

fanfiction, disney_kink, character: ratigan, the great mouse detective, character: basil

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eve_n_furter August 14 2010, 20:14:04 UTC
I'm back! Sorry it took so long, but RL came and took me - I've been on vacation so I can't truthfully say I'm sorry for that - but I am sorry that I didn't manage to give you a better review before I left. The upside is that it gives me another opportunity to dive deep into your GMD universe. \o/!

When I first read this I had to stop to go watch the scene - twice - before continuing. I had to be sure that my head was tuned in on the right channel, so to speak.

I love that we gets Dawson's view on this. It's heart-wrenching, but that was my hope for his prompt. You wrench my heart so well, you know. (Do I want to analyze why I love rodent(/self-) torture? No, not at all, but I console myself with the thought that cartoon animals are a hardy breed.)

"Then, to Dawson’s great surprise and disgust, Ratigan swoops down and presses his mouth over Basil’s in a shameless, shocking kiss." *content sigh*

"as Ratigan slowly withdraws like an eel pulling back into its crevice." I see this so vividly. It's so in tune with his motions in the scene.

Basil's panic attack is also described wonderfully. It was a great idea to let Dawson's doctor's eye and training build up the feel of the budding trust and friendship between him and Basil.

"Squeezing the detective’s slack jaw, he forces his mouth open and pours his tongue inside. Even from where he stands, Dawson can see it, huge and thick, scraping at the roof of Basil’s mouth and distending his cheeks with its girth. Revulsion surges in the doctor’s belly and he swallows hard against it." ;E Nice! Was that only revulsion. little Doctor?

"When it comes to this creature,” Ratigan chuckles with something almost like genuine affection. “I would say I am quite mad, indeed." *gulp/sniff* It's LOVE!!! Gwddmmt!

*gulp* The whole second part is so gripping that I really can't find the right words, and I don't really want to either. Sometimes it's better to just feel than to analyze, but the point with the scars on his back... it just ties in so great with the start of your series... and... *sniffsniff*

"They are, after all, the--- last wounds that he will ever--- that he shall ever give---" *BAAAWWWL!*



I'm satisfied with this, I really am. Sad and red-eyed, but satisfied. *blows a kiss and takes a bow* Thank you, Bastard! (You can read "Bastard" here like the way Edward Elric addresses his dear Bastard, with a capital B.) ;)

PS: Actually, I haven't given (MY PRECCIOUSSS) Ratigan permission to die yet, so I have given him a bat great grandmother, which came in handy in the very last second there. He is still lurking somewhere in the shadows, I just know it. HE IS!!! *pouting*


colonel_bastard August 16 2010, 21:37:53 UTC
Haha, I've been on vacation, too--- hence the delay in the next installment! I hope you enjoyed your holiday as much as I enjoyed mine. <3

I must have re-watched the scene a dozen times while writing this. Since it's the only chapter that takes place within the actual timeframe of the film itself, I wanted to be especially sure that it would fit. This included observing the removal of costume pieces during the cutaway. Disney did all the work for me! ;)

I have to tell you that I was initially quite flustered by this prompt! I had no idea how to incorporate Dawson into this world! It was a great challenge and I thank you so much for it, because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to take this third-party POV and that, for me, is what makes this a strong piece. Long story short: thanks for the awesome prompt! :D

I specifically picked this icon to highlight Ratigan's fluidity in this sequence--- like an eel, indeed! Glad you liked that bit.

That second part was supposed one of the traditional short epilogues that this series has developed, but it grew into its own mini-chapter. There was just way too much going on there to be condensed into three or four paragraphs, so I stepped back to give them room to breathe, and the two of them just ran for it. ^_^ The scars have become a huge motif in this series (which I never originally anticipated) and I'm so glad that you, as a reader, can feel their significance. It makes me, as a writer, feel like I'm doing something right! XD

I strive to live up to my dastardly bastardly name. So, so pleased that you're pleased and satisfied. Thank you so much for taking the time to come back and leave such a detailed, thoughtful review! It means a lot to me. You're a great reader and I think you're awesome. <333

In regards to Ratigan's untimely demise, I don't think he'll ever truly die--- he'll live on in Basil's wet dreams nightmares. XD


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