Fic - "This Filthy Fable"

Jun 01, 2010 21:10

Title: This Filthy Fable
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Castor Troy, Pollux Troy. Face/Off.
Word Count: 3,250
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The Troy brothers celebrate their latest heist with style.
Warnings: Incest, slash, graphic sex, excessive licking.
Notes: A hardcore tribute to my new favorite hardcore movie. I was ultimately smitten with ( Read more... )

character: castor troy, fanfiction, face/off, character: pollux troy

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Comments 10

fromyourashes June 13 2010, 00:55:19 UTC
Ok, this is brilliant, and I'm not just saying that because this happened to be the ONLY Castor/Pollux fanfic I was able to find on the day I watched Face/Off for the first time in nearly a decade and realized I REALLY wanted some well-written Troy brothers fic. I'm THRILLED to have found this, and if it had sucked even a little bit, I wouldn't bother leaving a comment. (I'm a snob who rarely leaves more than a " ♥ " when I leave anything at all, lol.)

Your Castor and Pollux are fabulously in-character. The pace is perfection. The snark is palpable. I LOVE this SO much, and am adding it to my (few) memories. Thank you for this!


colonel_bastard June 13 2010, 02:15:02 UTC
Were you watching the movie on USA today? Because I totally was and fell in love with it all over again, haha. I will also agree that there is a tragic lack of Castor/Pollux fic, which is a damn shame since they're pretty much one of my favorite pairings ever.

And since they are so dear to me, I'm so thrilled to hear you say that they were in-character here. I love their fabulous, twisted, snarky relationship, and I really wanted to do my utmost to do them justice. I'm honored that I not only earned a comment from a Comment Snob (and as a fellow Comment Snob, I understand completely), but that I scored a slot in your mems! Awesome!

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. When I posted this fic, I sort of resigned myself to the idea that no one would ever read it. The fact that you read it and left such a generous review totally made my day. I mean it, thanks very much. :D


eve_n_furter June 27 2010, 14:11:03 UTC
I love how you balance the heavy doses of depravity with glimpses of heartbreaking romance. (Just stalking you a bit here.)


colonel_bastard June 27 2010, 16:01:59 UTC
I'm so glad that you can see the romance underneath it all, because I really do cherish this pairing and think that their relationship is, yes, utterly heartbreaking. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! They're my most obscure OTP, and the more people who read about them, the more vindicated I feel, lol. XD

(Also, I have no problem with a stalker who is so generous and kind! <3)


cobrastark April 16 2011, 05:09:28 UTC
Excuse me while I explode! This was perfection and you hit just about every single one of my kinks!

The pink tip of his tongue emerges from his mouth, a telltale sign of his concentration.
Mmm, I love this so much and you could not have gotten more in character than that!!

Castor has seen a hundred explosions if he’s seen one.
That's beautiful!

“Looks like somebody enjoyed the demolition,” Pollux chitters, mock-scandalized.
Ah, your mind is truly an awesome place for creating this line.

This entire fic was mesmerizing and scorching!!! I would have quoted more from it but I soon realized I would have half the story down here. Your use of words is brilliant and descriptive. I adore this kind of fanfiction... the kind where I can tell the writer cares and pays attention to detail and has a firm grasp on the characters. It's simply terrific. You should write more of these two! I'm pretty sure you're the only one who could write these two how they were meant to be written.

I only wish this could have taken place in the movie too! ;


colonel_bastard April 28 2011, 21:21:54 UTC
Thank you SO MUCH for reading and commenting on this one!! Castor/Pollux doesn't get much love in the world, which is just a crying shame, since it's a smoking hot pairing. "Mesmerizing" and "scorching" is exactly what I was trying to do, so, THANKS!! :D

I'm so thrilled that my love of the characters shows through in the writing. Because I DO love them, very much, and in fact I probably spend way too much time thinking about them, haha. The movie is filled with so many tantalizing details about their life together, and more than anything, it is abundantly clear that Castor adores Pollux with every fibre of his being. From the tying of the shoelace to the line "I hand-fed you those pills for years," Pollux is his world entire, and I wanted to do my best to capture some of that passion.

I would love to write more for these two! If the plot bunny bites, I'll happily surrender. ^_^

And, uh, you and me both. ;D

Thanks again for reading! <3


stage_master December 28 2011, 03:13:13 UTC
Oh I love this so much. I agree with all the comments above and more! Castor is such a complex character, I love how his innate destructiveness is at complete odds to his love for his little brother. And Pollux is so worshipful- the pairing is a study in passionate, lusty obsession and I LOVE that hahaha. Thanks so much for such a great read!


colonel_bastard January 5 2012, 00:03:46 UTC
Thank YOU for such a great comment! You said so much about this pairing that I thoroughly agree with, but I'd like to add an especially emphatic "hear, hear!" to the phrase the pairing is a study in passionate, lusty obsession, because YES, THAT, EXACTLY. It's completely canon that they are each other's greatest weakness and I completely love it.

I'm so happy you found this little fic and even happier that you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


season_wind December 5 2013, 14:58:11 UTC
This fiction is amazing. The characters were definitely who they were in the movie. And you captured the twisted familiarity between Castor and Pollux perfectly. I really enjoyed reading it. May I have your permission to translate it into Chinese and post it on my blog and a fan forum? Thanks a lot.


colonel_bastard December 6 2013, 18:21:09 UTC
Wow, this comment just completely made my week. I absolutely adore this pairing, but I think it's one of the rarest pairs I've ever shipped -- so I am always THRILLED when someone else ships them, too! And I'm even more thrilled that you enjoyed the fic. The "twisted familiarity" is such a crucial aspect of this pairing, so I'm glad I did it justice.

I'm honored that you've asked, and I happily grant you full permission to translate this story! Just give proper credit, and please, send me a link when you post it! I want to see it and share it with my readers!

Thanks again for your wonderful praise. I really appreciate it, and I can't wait to see the translated version.


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