Title: Takaya's Mitt
Series: Ookiku Furikabutte
Character: Implied AbeMiha, Guest
Disclaimers: Standard Disclaimers Apply.
Notes: Continuation of the
Inanimate Object Love series.
Um. Um… Hi! I’m Takaya’s mitt. Well, one of them, anyway…. But he says I’m the best, and he always takes me out so he can use me for official games! Before, he’d use me a lot, but I’m getting a little old, so he lets the other catchers do the job during practice. But that’s okey, he was using me during his whole middle school, and he says I’m lucky. Uhi.
When I was a young mitt, Takaya and I used to be abused a lot. Well, not really abused. Um, bruised often. His pitcher then, Motoki-kun, he had really strong balls and it was hard for us to catch. When I did, I’d feel juuust a little mauled around. Takaya used to cry at night because of it, but that was when he was still little and stuff.
Takaya didn’t use to let other people touch me. When he was in middle school, he didn’t really mind, either, but someone accidentally scratched me and he got reaaally angry. There was a biiig fight! Good thing Motoki-san was there. He bullied the other guys away and then made Takaya stop crying. Takaya used to cry a lot. But--but they were manly tears!
I’m surprised, though. He let his new pitcher carry me during one of their games. He let the new pitcher carry all of his gear, actually, so I guess it doesn’t count, but he’s never let anyone touch me after that time so it does matter!
The new pitcher-uh, Renren-he’s really nice. His balls don’t hurt when I catch them, either, and Takaya’s wrists don’t seem to get achey after. That is really good! Takaya seems happier now with his new team. I’m not sure why. His old teammates weren’t all that bad! Maybe he likes it that everyone’s his age?
He makes sure to clean me often. He says it’s relaxing. I dunno how, but okey, if it makes Takaya happy! Some days, he cleans me more than usual. Like after practice and he comes home extra late because he says (to his mom. Um, I don’t mean to eavesdrop, I just overhear!) that he walked Renren home.
Oh, he wants to clean me now. It kinda tickles when he’s all distracted like that, but that’s no problem, I’m tough!
9:10 PM 2/21/2008
Title: Renren's Floor
Series: Ookiku Furikabutte
Character: Implied AbeMiha, Guest
Disclaimers: Standard Disclaimers Apply.
Warning: Lulz.
I don’t think I need to introduce myself to you, but just so you don’t make any mistakes, I shall remind you of who I am: I am Renren’s bedroom floor. Unlike the rest of the furniture and other unimportant things in this room, I’m always clean. (Well, Renren slipped on me once and banged his head, but that’s beside the point)
I first met Renren when he was still very small. Well, he’s still very small now, but those are just unnecessary details. His mother, Naoe-chan, used to own my bedroom. She left to be with some guy, and when she returned (after a terribly long time, mind you), she had this little slip of a crybaby with her. I remember Renren back then - he drooled a lot and puked on me a lot and left other nasty things everywhere. He also cried a lot and hugged that worn out mitt all the time.
In short, I did not like him at all. He was such a noisy child and he wrote on me all the time! But of course, it was good that there were more people in my room to keep me entertained. Admittedly, it was very lonely when he left for middle school, just as it had been when Naoe-chan had.
He’s been back for a few months now, though. I don’t think he was very happy in the school he had gone to before, judging from the way he cried at night when he was freshly home, but he’s doing much better now. Not that he spends a lot of time in my room. That boy likes mucking around outdoors too much, it’s so very unhealthy.
Renren brings his friends over, often. There are usually nine of them, all boys from his baseball team. Fortunately, they know enough to clean up before they step all over Renren’s room. My room is big enough that they can all fit in comfortably, which they do. I still dislike that Abe boy for scratching me with the low table he was trying to bring in, though - you’d think that he’d be able to take his eyes off my Renren for a while to bring a desk in properly, but no, boys will be boys and all that.
Well. They’re good boys. They sometimes run around Renren’s room, but most of them sit properly like charming young adults and don’t go stomping around. Except for that Abe boy. That one is always stomping everywhere and bullying my Renren. I tripped him once (with great effort, and I had to break a floor board), but Renren looked so guilty so I never did it again.
I guess he’s not that bad. He once came over to watch over Renren when he was sick (scratched me with a chair that time, the little punk) and stayed until evening. I thought it was very sweet, even if he was yelling half the time. He should just tell Renren he likes him; I’m pretty sure my Renren likes him back (even if I think it’s bad taste).
Oof. Ow. Renren fell on me again. You’d think that as a sixteen-year-old, he’d be able to stay on his bed at night, but here he goes again, rolling all over. Maybe his old bed was a futon? I heard those were warm on the floor…. Hmm.
1:38 AM 2/27/2008
Cannot match the crack that is the Chinko Fic, but this works.