Jan 04, 2008 01:25

So I have the habit of re-reading books that I like. I mean I have read A Hundred Years of Solitude probably 50 times, and every time I find something new to decipher, or pick at. This past week I picked up a book I haven't read in over a year by Isabel Allende called Of Love and Shadows. I found this quote, and it seemed fitting for my views regarding the new year...

"Solo tendréis el presente. No perdáis energía llorando por el pasado o soñando por el mañana. La nostalgia desgasta y aniquila." -Isabel Allende-

For you with Spanish deficiencies, here it is in English...Still good, but it seems a hell of a lot more powerful in Spanish to me for some reason.

"You only have the present. Do not waste energy crying for the past, or dreaming for tomorrow. Nostalgia wears away and annihilates."
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