aY aY ay OoOoo

Nov 24, 2004 18:50

mayyn am crzzy bored...so ama jus do dis caca...

X. Starting time: 6:19AM
X. Name: Kevin
X. Nicknames: mayyynnn i lost track
X. School: sfp
X. Eyes: brown
X. Height: 5' 6 or 7 ..i 4got
X. Siblings: 4
X. Ever helped somebody cheat?: jea
X. Missed school b/c it was raining: lmao ..no
X. Set any body part on fire for amusement: ...mayyyn..wht kind ov stoopid question is dat....hell nOo mayn
X. Kept a secret from everyone: jea
X. Wanted to hook up with a friend: jea
X. Cried during a Flick: tears ov laughter

X. Had a crush on a teacher: not crush..but more like daYYm..she look good...nd NoOooo she wuaz not no 56 yr old nun...lmao
X. Ever thought an animated character was hot: not relly..if i did ..i 4got
X. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: ...y wud i have a tape ov my neighbors...no
X. Prank called someone: lmao...wooo wee...jeaaa...
X. Been on stage:jea

X. Shampoo: i use herbal essence...

X. Colors: black n red n blue
X. Day/Night: night
XSummer/Winter: summmerrrrr
X. Online Smiley: : ) ... ?
X. Like anyone: jeaa
X. Known the longest of your friends:christian nd neil
X. Name your best friend(s): not u

X. Who's the loudest:: larry mayb
X. Who do you go to for advice: non i think
X. Who do you cry with: mayyn stoopid questions think ama cry baby
----------IN THE LAST 2 Weeks------------

X. Cried: noP
X. Cut your hair: noP...but i need a freshcutttz
X. Worn a skirt: lmao no
X. Been mean: i guess
X. Been sarcastic: jea

X. Missed someone: JESSsss
X. Hugged someone: jeEeaa
X. Fought with your parents: i 4got
X. Wished upon a star: nah am str8
X. Laughed until you cried: not recently...
X. Played Truth or Dare: Oooooo sheeeiii.....havent playd dat since 3rd grade
X. Watched a sunrise/sunset: not relly
X. Went to the beach at night: nop
X. Read a book for fun: jea rii...i read d cat in d hat
X. Ate a meal: everyday
X. Are you lonely?:not relly
X. Are you happy: not relly...im in big time punishment nd i cant chill wit d peopl...nd i been goin to sleep late..so i been crzy tired everyday
X. Are you talking to someone online: my AIM isnt working
------DO YOU BELIEVE IN....-----

X. God/Devil: God
X. Love: jea
X. The Closet Monster: no..d boogie man lol

X. The Big Bang Theory?: i have my own theory ov big bangin
X. Heaven/Hell: heavennn...cuz is rhyme wit ..kevin lol
X. Superstitions: nop

X. What is your full name? my 1st name is not CHARLES.....my name is Kevin Ariza
X. Who named you?: my parents
X. When was the last time you showered? this morning
X. What was the last thing that you said online? uhhhh....i 4got
X. What is right next to you?:..radio..mp3 playr...cdz...skool books..my keys...nd metro card
X. What is your computer desk made of? cardboard...lol..nah...i think dis is rell wood
X. What was the last thing that you ate? carne
X. What is your favorite state?: NY nd FL.
X. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: i dno...
X. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? dun ask dumb questions

X. How many buddies do you have on your list: 189
X. How's the weather right now?: cold nd raining
X. What did you do last night?: study
X. What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex? uhhhh....hmmm..lets c....physsical features n personaliity
X. Favorite hair color in the opposite sex: anyting cept ..blue pink white green nd all does crzy colors
X. Pizza or ice cream? sheeiii mayyynn....das hard

X. How do YOU eat an Oreo?...dip it in milk 4 a lil bit..den eat it
X. Dream car? hmmm...i ono mayb...mustang GT-R 2005

X. What do you want to be when you grow up? dno...i mite b a dentist yo!!!
X. What are your future goals?: ...finish high skooll...go to college...graduate...go to graduate skool..nd git payd big$$$in my job
X. Favorite music?: .hip hop r&b rap reggaetton, reggae, bachata,merengue,salsa
X. Least favorite time of the year: winter
X. Fast or slow?: both
X. Did you notice that number 90 was missing?:...huhh...
X. If you could change your name, what would it be?: dno
X. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: no.. jus alot of pillows..like 4
X. Have you ever been in love? jess...
X. What will your first son's name be?: sheeii mayn ama make up a cool name like...Kevin Angel..lol jp..i dno
X. Favorite drink?: SPRITE....FAnta...sUNkisT
X. Do you like scary or happy movies better::scary movies aint scary nd happy movies are gay
X. Lust or Love?: love
X. Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: ...OO jess...lol jea rii ...is it even legal to b a male cheeleader..sheeii
X. Do you want your friends to do this survey?: i dun care
X. When's your birthday? OCTOBER 1...nd if u dno tht...den i dno u
X. How old will u be?: 17
X. Time done? 6:47

....sheeii mayynn..whta waste ov my time...ima go do anotha 1..lol
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