Dec 11, 2004 10:55
ai imagine the day after thanksgiving could have been the last day that i talked to my brother but thank god it wasnt...thursday 12-9-2004 is a day i will never was truning out to be a reg day i worked at the bank got out went to pik up maria and the kids to go take picutres of santa clause and we did we met up at the mall with linda did a lil bit of shopping we ate left the mall at around 10 linda went home in her car, i went in mine i took rt 85 me and maria were just talking listening to mmusic she was laughing at all the reggae stuff that was being said.... then it happened...i was driving goin 30 miles an hour there was somehing in the road i tried to swerve it butt too late...the next thing i kno my car is flipped upside down and im in the scene of a accident fuck me man i didnt care about me i wanted to get out of that car and and take deigo and juanito as fast as i could i dint have my seat belt on so i was the first one to get out i threw off my 250 dollar cashmere/wool coat on the dirt and started trying to take out the babies but i couldnt...i went crazy i have never freaked out before i didnt kno wat the fuck to do so i stood in the middle of the roaad and waved my hands up and down till a car came thank god they came and they called 911 thankk god for teh baby seats that the babies was in they were so so so so seguros thank god man... we had to be rushed to the hosptial marias wrist was all fucked up and the babies were fine because i wasnt wearing my seat belt i got the worst of everybody i was thrown very hard to the left my side was down to the ground and marias side was more up in the air there was glass in my eye it was burnimg we were rushed to the hospital i didnt lose memory or anything i was good mentally not really though mami papi pepo juanito were all theer the babies after they were taken in to the playroom were they usual crazy selfs... juanito was playing wih evetything and diego was following him as ussual...
things like these are unpredctable i never thought something like this would happen to me or to anybdy i know thanks god i wasnt goin faster (thanks to the 400 dollar speeding ticket) in a road where there are not even one street light...
thanks god im here today even if one eye is fucked up
much love