Jun 25, 2007 11:08
1. How and when did first find out about the SCA?
I'm a legacy. i got into it via my uncle who started back in 1968 or so. I got my intro in the mid-80s at his home in AZ. I started working on a persona and garb that very week and about a month later I and the family were off to Pennsic.
2. What made you wanna come play?
See above. Same as any teen-ager, I wanted to dress up and be a Viking!
3. Did you ever take sewing/cooking/archery/(other things that are found within the SCA) classes in school?
Did modern fencing and archery for phys-ed in college.
4. Why do you play now?
The people and the atmosphere, when it is good. I feel very at home in a medieval encampment. You know the whole Pennsic thing of "welcome home" really hits me. I also enjoy research, though I am not serious about it.
5. Do you make your own garb?
Heh. Only did once or twice. I am now not allowed to.
6. Do you fight (heavy/rapier)?
Yup. Both over the years. but I haven't really fought in ages.
7. Have you ever bartered with anyone?
8. What was your first event?
Pennsic War...1985, I think.
9. Describe your first garb.
LOL Red ploy-cotton t-tunic, black karate pants, suede loafers, gaiters made out of scrap deerskin. Suede, off-color greenish-white belt from a surplus store which caused a herald to snark at me, "Greetings, SIR..." and accuse me of trying to pretend I was a knight. Me at the tender age of 16 . His friends brow-beat him for it, but that probably began my long love-hate relationship with the society.
10. Do any of the friends you had before the SCA now play also?
Before SCA? Ok seriously yes. One friend I got into it in highschool is still playing when he can, seeing as how he's a dad n all now.
11. What were some of your favorite books/stories as a kid?
Myths and legends of any stripe really.
12. Have you registered a name?
Was held up and I never pursued trying again. My device passed with a holder name.
Oh wait, I'm thinking too recently. Yes I do have a registered name from my first persona.
13. Have you registered Arms?
Twice. One European. One Japanese.
14. What is you favorite "No Sh*t, there I was" story?
Prolly the time I killed Edward "Longshanks" (what we called him) King of the Mid in the field battle.
Also the time a micro-sheer touched down at an event our shire was hosting. One guy had a tree land on him. Several folks became suddenly "homeless." We turned the feast hall into an impromptu soup kitchen/shelter.
15. What A&S stuff are/could you be interested in?
that is SCA recognized - brewing and persona play.
That really doesn't exist in SCA eyes - bonsai, Ikebana, Cha-no-yu.