
Aug 14, 2001 01:32

.....from cos i liked it. I did however answer the questions myself lol. I think it's quite a revealing little questionaire...try it, I dare you!

1) Were you ever sent to the principal's office at school?

Quite a few times as far as I remember, no particularily funny anecdotes that I can remember at this moment. I'm sure they were valid reasons from my teachers points of view, but then again they were 50% alchoholics, psychiatric cases, gambling addicts and power freaks... mine was a good school :-)

2) Are you fond of cheese? If so, what kinds are your favourites?

I love all cheese, except cottage cheese, and knob cheese ;-)

3) Do you have any irrational fears, and what are they?

People with bad hair styles (saw a guy wirth horrendous mini-afro the other night....eugghhh), large spiders, crusty drainpipes.

4) At what point in your life did you realize that you were physically attractive?

Haven't got there yet, will update journal as soon as I do! ;-)

5) Did you know that the 'healthy' standard for bowel movements is three times a day?

Wow, only 3 - I must cut back on the All-Bran!

6) In school, did you prefer Math, English, Science, or Social Studies?

English, as no answer is ever wrong, it's all point of view relative. Therefore you can bullshit and have no fear of being found out. I was good at English/Bullshitting in school.

7) Do you think sex is overrated?

Very, which is why I'm currently celibate.

8) Did you watch Sesame Street when you were young, and if so, at what age did you stop watching?

I did, and stopped when I discovered those were crazy transitional days in between when Big Bird was a sex object ;-)

9) Who's your favorite singer?

Too many to mention!

10) What the heck is your "real" first name!?

Colm - I *so* hate it

11) What is your name?

See above!

12) What is your quest?

To make me happy.

13) What is your favorite colour?

Purple, I'm not sure why.

14) What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


15) What the hell is an imperforated hymen?

Womens stuff....I'm in alien territory here!

16) What is your ideal relationship like?

One with a person who is the exact opposite of me. Always interesting, always sparky.

17) What are you willing to give up or compromise for love? What is not negotiable?

Everything and anything, except my dignity.

18) What makes for a good conversation?

Stuff I've not heard of/experienced before...broadens the mind.

19) Do you hate anybody? Why?

Not really, though I do have people I dislike (3 "Bitches of Eastpoint" take note, wherever you are now). Live and let live, life is to short.

20) Do you consider yourself a fufilled person? If not, what would it take?

Never, and never will be. Fufillment leads to stagnation, we always need something to fight for or seek.

21) What do you look forward to that makes you happy, in the big picture (ie more than 2-5 years away)?

Living, generally.

22) What is your greatest disappointment?

My physical imperfections, why can't I be perfect too!!!!!!!!!

23) What is your biggest guilt?

A situation where I gave in too easily. I should of fought and stood my ground. I've learned since.

24) What is your greatest happiness?

I'm not sure, lots of stuff makes me happy.

25) What is your biggest pleasure?

Aside from comfort food, I think it would have to be making a friend, a true friend. That is the most intense high - the bond.

26) What's the one thing (object, piece of clothing, etc.) that you would never, ever throw away, no matter how old/broken/etc.?

I have lots of little things, stones, badges, even a ruler.....I try to keep something from at least every phase of my life.

27) What song can you relate the most to?

Probably "Reflections" by Diana Ross and The Supremes which is just classic, or "Where is My Mind" by the Pixies.

28) Which person has had the most impact on your life?

My best friend, she is the balance to all my extremities.

29) What's your idea of a perfect day? Describe it.

It would be a perfect summer day, blue skies and lovely sun with a gentle breeze. A tropical beach. Good music. Loads of unlimited BBQ food and cool beer/drinks. All my friends past, present and future there to meet each other, and for me to be with them. For us all to laugh, cry and argue meet and mingle.

30) If you were a colour, which one would you be? Replace the word colour with flavour and scent, and answer the question again.

Red :exciting and vibrant.
Curry: Spicy, but with many subtle undertones.
Lemon: Fresh, clean new and exotic.

31) What question do you wish someone had asked you? Why? How would you answer it?

I would of liked to have been asked what the worst experience of my life was, as I may have uncovered exactly what it is. I'm not sure yet.


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