Oct 27, 2001 11:04
...but I do try to keep up to date. Generally I just don't have the time when I'm working, and I'm too busy otherwise. Not to say stuff hasn't been happening, it has been a sort-of eventful week.
We got our new fridge! It's so cool, in both the cool way and the temprature way. So good to be able to get ice cold beers again!!!! Yay. Also ordered Windows XP too, plus Kylie and Moulin Rouge CD's.
I know there loads of other stuff to tell, but I'm not sure how or what it was. work was generally fine, not much different there. Sinead still making lots of mistakes, funny in one way, not funny in others.
Talking to Phil online - weird, kinda the old bunch is still together, just minus me since I moved out of Dublin. It reminds me I must ring or text Anita someday to go for a beer, down here.
My friend Bill, who is a parole officer was threathened at gunpoint yesterday - not good :o(
And Tony, who I've known for a while online for ages now is really beginning to piss me off...everytime he comes online now he tries to get me into cyber. a) he's going out with someone and b) why everytime - run out of stuff to talk about?. I've blocked him and will unblock him now and again, but it's getting a bit much.
Also looking at buying a new phone today - yay!!!
mobile phone,
cd purchasing,
music phil,
windows xp,