Sep 30, 2001 12:36
OK I'm gonna try give a quick update here about the weeks events. All the crew are cool, except Sinead who is a spazz of the first order.
The girl doesn't know our names yet, despite being in the same room as us for a week, she claims to of worked in a NOC, yet she can't manage working with simple software, she has never met the concept of shampoo, she insults and annoys the trainer - oh God please make sure and I truely hope there is no way she will pass induction. She cant be let loose in a job like ours, the girl has the mental capacity of a stewed lentil.
Sineads Best bit:: when she lost her notebook and accused the trainer of stealing it!!!
Other than that, all is cool - it's weird breing back and all, but after two years, there are still loads of familiar faces there - not that it matters when I'm going on graveyard shift!!!!!
Would talk more, but I have to get thus project done - Friday is the last day!!!
open university,