Hetalia Kink Fills

May 16, 2010 13:12

Title: Salinity 
Pairing: Sweden/Denmark
Warning: Character Death 
Original request and fill:  hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/15068.html

Title: Her Little Girl
Pariring: None specifically, it's a cuddly family fic, but there are hints of Turkey/Hungary, Austria/Hungary and Prussia/Hungary (the last one if you really, really squint and have a active imagination)
Warning: Sap. References to Hungarian places, people and events that you might need to google
Original request and fill:  hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/15068.html

Paring: Australia/OC!New Zealand
Warning: ... crack? Australian and New Zealand slang and references you might need to google
Original request and fill:  hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/15068.html

h.australia, writing, h.new zealand, h.sweden, h.hungary, hetalia, h.denmark, hetalia kink meme

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