Raindrops (3/?)

Apr 24, 2013 21:42

Title: Raindrops
Pairing: Yui/Azusa
Length: 8,239+
Summary: AU. It had been a rainy day and a chance meeting with a stranger that led Azusa to Yui and after that it seems like Azusa can't get away from Yui and the two get closer than Azusa would ever thought.
Note: This has been posted on ff.net for a while now, and I never posted here because I didn't know if anyone would read it, but I figured why not and I'll start updating them both regularly.

“She keeps looking over here.” Jun said, confused. It was true, Azusa had been staring openly in shock and she didn’t look away until Yui had looked up and caught her eye. Ever since then, Yui would look over at her from time to time.

“Ah, she did it again.” Azusa looked up and sure enough, there was Yui, looking at her with a little grin as she played her guitar perfectly. Azusa quickly looked away and sank in her seat. Luckily, the waiter came and placed their food in front of them and Azusa was glad that, for a brief moment, Yui couldn’t see her.

Once the waiter walked away, Azusa kept her focus on the food in front of her, refusing to look at Yui. As Azusa ate, she realized Yui must have stopped staring because Jun stopped pointing it out, which she had done every time. Azusa decided to take a chance and looked up, sighing a breath of relief when she saw Yui was looking down again.

“Ne, aren’t they good?” Jun said with a grin and Azusa nodded.

“Yeah, sure.” She said distractedly. She still couldn’t believe she ran into Yui again. Jun huffed at her indifferent response and looked back at the band. Azusa followed her gaze and looked over at Yui just as they finished their song.

Everyone began clapping and Azusa watched as Yui got up, along with the others, and stepped off the stage. Azusa watched as Yui walked towards her table and she began to panic. Was Yui going to go over to her? Azusa watched, expecting Yui to stop right in front of them, but instead, Yui walked right past her without even a glance.

Azusa blinked in surprise and turned in her seat, watching Yui make her way to the bar. Slowly, Azusa turned back around and stared at her plate.

“She’s a pretty good guitarist, huh?” Azusa looked up and blinked at Jun.

“Huh?” She asked.

“The girl you keep staring at, she’s pretty good, huh?” Jun said and Azusa blushed lightly.

“I-I was not staring!” Jun gave her a disbelieving look and Azusa tried again. “I mistook her from someone else.” Jun looked at her for a few seconds before shrugging and going back to her food. Azusa sighed and turned back to her food as well.

The rest of the dinner was spent with Azusa and Jun talking about what had happened to them in the past few month, when they hadn’t spoken to each other. Azusa smiled and laughed with Jun, glad that they were finally able to hang out together, she had missed her friend. They talked about everything, well, nearly everything. Azusa decided not to mention Yui, or the fact that she knew why the taller girl kept looking over at them.

Once they finished eating, Jun offered to pay and Azusa nodded, still thinking about Yui despite everything. Jun frowned at the lack of response, usually Azusa would insist that she pay a little too. Instead of saying anything, Jun simply paid and once they stood up, Azusa spoke up.

“Hey, Jun, I just remembered there’s something I have to do for work, is it okay if I head home early?” Azusa asked. She had hoped, and expected, to spend some time with Jun after eating, but with the sight of Yui, she couldn’t get the girl out of her mind. It was hard enough concentrating on Jun during dinner, and knew it was going to be just as hard for the rest of the night.

“Oh, uh, sure, it’s fine.” Jun said awkwardly, and rather confused.

“Thanks, I’ll make it up to you next week.” Azusa said as she smiled apologetically and waved goodbye at Jun before walking out. Jun watched her go and frowned, knowing that Azusa was acting odd. She looked at the stage where she had saw the guitarist and thought back to how the brunette had stared at them.

“Huh,” Jun said to herself as she pushed her arms through her jacket. “I wonder who that chick was.” Jun wasn’t dumb, and as she remembered Azusa’s reactions after seeing the girl, she wondered if they knew each other. Deciding to ask Azusa about it later, she finished putting on her jacket and walked out of the restaurant.


Azusa sighed as she walked out of her apartment the next morning, looking at her phone. Jun had texted her after she had fallen asleep, asking if she was alright. Azusa was texting back as she walked to work when she felt herself bump into someone.

“Sorry, I-” She stopped when she looked up and saw who she bumped into. Yui looked down at her with a grin and laughed lightly.

“You should watch where you’re going, Nakano-san.” Yui said with a grin, and Azusa couldn’t help but huff and look away.

“Yeah, well, so should you.” Azusa snapped and Yui frowned.

“But I did,” Yui said softly to herself.

“Right, well, I should get going so I’m not late.” Azusa said and began walking past Yui until she heard Yui call out behind her.

“I’m going that way too.” She turned around and saw Yui place her hands in her pockets as she walked up to her. Once she was next to her, she continued walking, and looked at Yui out of the corner of her eye.

As she looked at Yui, she couldn’t help but think that they must have looked like an odd pair to people walking around them. Yui was next to her with the same jacket and guitar on her back, this time wearing a wrinkly t-shirt under it and ripped jeans with her sneakers. Complete with her messy hair, she looked like she had just rolled out of bed. Then there was Azusa, the complete opposite. Everything about her was pristine, from her hair to her business suit, and her footsteps noticeable from the heels she wore.

Still, the walk together had a comfortable silence, and Azusa was surprised that she didn’t mind walking with the other girl, as strange as she was. It wasn’t until she was relatively close to her office building when Yui spoke up.

“I have to turn here,” Yui said and waved at Azusa. “I’ll see you later, Nakano-san.”

“You too, Hirasawa-san.” Azusa said and waved back at Yui as the taller girl started walking away. Once Yui turned around, Azusa stared at her retreating form for a few moments before shaking her head and walking towards work again.


Azusa didn’t know what had gotten into her that day at work. Usually, she spent her breaks inside, working even when she didn’t need to. Today, however, she couldn’t concentrate. With a sigh, she placed her things away and stood up. She walked to the elevator just as Mio did, and Azusa stood next to her boss awkwardly, waiting for the elevator doors to open.

“Ah, Nakano-san,” Mio said in surprise, it wasn’t often that she saw her that far from her cubicle. The only times was when she was doing an errand or going to a meeting. There were plenty of times that Mio had gone to drop something off at that floor during Azusa’s break, and found her there. “How are you?”

“Good, Akiyama-san.” Azusa said and Mio smiled.

“Going somewhere?” Azusa looked up again and saw Mio motioning to her purse.

“Oh, yes, I’m going out to eat lunch this time.” Azusa said, knowing it wasn’t often that she did. Just then the elevator doors opened and the two walked in, and Mio pressed both of their floors.

“It’s good to see you take a break once in a while, especially with all the hard work you put in.” Mio said lightly, and Azusa saw a small smile. Azusa gave her a shy smile back, happy for the compliment she had gotten from her boss. Just then the doors opened, and with a goodbye and a “keep up the good work” from Mio, she walked out.

Once she was gone, Azusa sighed. Despite how nice Mio was, being near her made her slightly uncomfortable. Mio was nice, and Azusa found herself appreciating her beauty more than once, however it was the status Mio had made for herself that made Azusa so timid around her. In the history of the workplace, Mio was the youngest worker to make her to the top so quickly. Still, Azusa couldn’t help but be in awe of Mio and secretly look up to her.

The elevator doors slid open again on the first floor and Azusa walked out of them, on the way to eat lunch out. She walked down the streets of the city until she reached a small café that was close to her office building. She walked in the café and walked to the short line that had formed. Once she was at the counter, she quickly ordered her food and stepped aside for the next person. As she looked at her phone for the time, she heard a familiar voice order food and she snapped her head up to see the familiar guitar case and jacket. Just then, Yui turned around and saw Azusa standing in front of her.

“Ah, Nakano-san!” Yui said with a grin as she walked over to Azusa.

“Hirasawa-san,” Azusa said in surprise. “Are you stalking me?” A look of confusion passed over Yui’s face and Azusa quickly realized what she had said. “Ah, sorry, I just-” Yui’s lips curved upward in amusement before letting out a small laugh.

“it’s fine,” Yui said and Azusa sighed in relief. “Besides, shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

“Me?” Azusa asked, confused. Yui’s grin widened and she nodded.

“Yeah, after all, you showed up at my work.”

“Oh,” Was all Azusa said. She opened her mouth to explain that she had no idea Yui worked there when she heard her order. She went to the counter grabbed it, and walked back to Yui. “Um, I’m going to sit down and eat now…” Yui nodded and Azusa made her way to a table. Once she sat down, she looked at Yui, who had her back turned to her and was still waiting for her food. Yui’s order was called and she walked to the counter and picked it up. Once she turned around, Azusa quickly looked down at her food and started eating.

“Can I sit here?” Azusa looked up, and saw Yui standing in front of her.

“Sure.” Azusa said and watched as Yui sat down in front of her with a rather large order of food. As soon as she sat down, she started stuffing the food into her mouth quickly, and Azusa stared at her in amazement. Yui looked up and noticed her staring, and lowered her fork and laughed embarrassedly.

“I haven’t eaten all day.”

“Oh, sorry for staring,” Azusa said softly as she looked down, embarrassed herself for getting caught staring. Yui just laughed and shrugged.

“It’s fine, I’m kind of a big eater.”

“Really?” Azusa said and Yui nodded. She looked at her own food, remembering that she had to hurry up, she began eating and Yui tilted her head as she watched her. As Yui watched her eat, she couldn’t help but think that the small bites Azusa took made her look like a cat. She suppressed a giggle, knowing Azusa wouldn’t like it if she found what Yui found funny, and turned her attention to her food again.

“Ne, Hirasawa-san,” Azusa said, and Yui looked up. “I didn’t know you worked at that restaurant.”

“Yep, I play guitar there,” Yui said and smiled. “I was surprised when I saw you there, though.” Azusa recalled the other night and blushed lightly at the little smirk Yui gave her when they locked eyes.

“You sure didn’t look surprised.” Azusa muttered to herself, and she saw Yui give her that same smirk for a second before smiling lightly again.

“I saw you with that girl, too.” Yui said, frowning a little bit.

“Oh, that was my friend.” Azusa said with a smile, and Yui blinked.

“Friend?” Azusa nodded and Yui smiled and looked down.

“I see.” She said to herself and Azusa looked at her, confused by the small smile that lingered on Yui’s face at the word friend. She shook her head and didn’t say anything, instead going back to her meal. She finished eating quickly and stood up once she was done.

“My break’s almost over, I have to go, see you later, Hirasawa-san.” Yui looked up, there was still food on her tray, and she nodded.

“See you later, Nakano-san.” Azusa nodded and walked out of the café. Yui sighed and looked out the window next to her, watching Azusa walk down the street until she couldn’t be seen anymore.


Azusa sighed as she got out of work and began walking home. She felt a breeze hit her and she shivered, causing her to pull her jacket closer to her and wrap her arms around herself. She looked up at the sky, or at least what she could see of it. The buildings were so tall and nearly all had some sort of TV or sign attached to it. Those that didn’t were usually like where she worked, full of floors of cubicles and offices.

With all the noises and lights that came from the city, it was so easy to get caught up in things, and for her, it was always work. As she looked at the dark night, she wondered what it was that Yui got caught up in. Definitely not work, but then she recalled the time she ran into Yui at the restaurant and remembered what Yui told her earlier in the café. Thinking maybe Yui was at work, she looked back down and sighed.

“Why do I even care?” She muttered to herself. She hugged herself closer and continued on her walk home. She decided to take a short cut and walked through the park. As she walked through it she looked around the people around her, and despite it being night, it was filled with people, some dressed like her in their work clothes, and some dressed in casual wear.

Suddenly, she heard the familiar sound of a guitar, and looked around to find the source. Azusa almost didn’t see her at first, but she found Yui. At first she just saw the guitar, she could spot that pristine Gibson Les Paul from a mile away, and she moved her eyes up to the person’s face. Except, she couldn’t really see the face, but she could see the brown hair sticking out of the hood over the person’s head, and she spotted the HTT on the jacket.

Azusa frowned as she watched Yui pluck a few strings then stop for a few seconds before starting again. It was odd to see Yui play like that, she was used to seeing Yui play in confidence, but now it seemed all of it was gone.

Azusa looked at the direction of her apartment, wondering whether or not she should just go home. Deciding against it, and finding it wasn’t very to do just that, she began walking towards Yui. As soon as she was close enough, and Yui hadn’t looked up, she spoke up.

“Hirasawa-san?” Yui jumped in surprise and looked up. She blinked in surprise before taking down her hood and smiling up at her.

“Ah, Nakano-san, you scared me,” Yui laughed lightly and rubbed the back of her head. “I guess I’m more out of it than I thought.” Azusa shifted her feet nervously, wondering what to say. She wasn’t very good at conversations, and she usually didn’t go up to people first.

“Anything wrong?” Yui sighed and leaned back, patting the spot next to her on the bench as she did so. Azusa immediately sat down next to her and watched her.

“Just having trouble with a song.” Yui admitted and Azusa looked at the guitar in Yui’s hand.

“Oh, so you’re trying to play a song?” Azusa asked, and Yui smiled.

“More like trying to make one.” Azusa blinked and looked at Yui in awe.

“Really?” Yui nodded and Azusa smiled. “That’s amazing!” Yui smiled and looked down embarrassed.

“It is?” Yui asked rather sheepishly.

“Of course it is!” Azusa looked up at the Yui with the biggest smile Yui had ever seen on her. Azusa’s smile faltered a little and she looked at Yui curiously. “But why now? And why outside?”

“Because, Nakano-san,” Yui said, and Azusa looked at her intently, waiting for her answer. “You gotta do it when inspiration strikes, and I like being outside anyway, it helps me think,” Yui looked forward and watched the people in the park walk past them. “It reminds me that there’s so much more going on the in the world than just what’s happening to me.” Yui said softly, mostly to herself.

Azusa couldn’t help but stare at Yui, who looked different at that moment. The shadows cast by the street lights and the serious expression on her face made her seem more… mature, somehow. Though Azusa was sure Yui was mature enough already, her carefree attitude often make her look the opposite.

Azusa slowly turned her head and pulled her eyes away from Yui until the last second. She looked out at the people walking past them and the ones sitting down talking to others. All Azusa could see were strangers going through their daily routine, or whatever it was they were doing, and nothing more. As she was trying to see what Yui was seeing, and feeling, Yui’s voice made her look back at her.

“Sorry, it must have sounded weird.” Yui said, the faraway look gone and a sheepish smile back on her face.

“No, it’s fine.” Azusa said and looked back at the people walking in front of them. She was still trying to figure out what Yui meant when she heard the other girl stand up and looked over just in time to see her stretch.

“Well, I should go.”

“Eh? You’re going?” Azusa asked, her voice sounding much more pleading than she had wanted. She immediately blushed at her voice and Yui grinned as she sat back down again.

“I can stay, if you want.” Yui said and Azusa looked down.

“No, you don’t have to.” She mumbled quietly, but neither of them moved. After a few seconds of silence Azusa heard Yui move around and looked over. Yui was putting away her guitar, and Azusa thought she was going to leave anyway, however, once the guitar was put away she rested the case at her feet before leaning back with her arms on the back of the bench. Azusa sighed in relief and looked out at the sea of people walking.

As they sat there in silence and looked at the people, Azusa thought back to what Yui said and began wondering where the people were going and what they were doing, which was unusual for her. Before, she would go home after work and only go out if she had to. She never took the time to look at other people walking in the street, she never had a reason before.

Azusa looked away from the people and looked at Yui, who was still looking forward. Azusa watched Yui’s face and noted how relaxed she looked. She wondered what Yui’s day was like that made her always look relaxed. As Azusa sat at the bench, for once outside of home and actually relaxing, the rest of the day caught up with her and she let out a yawn.

“Tired?” Yui asked and Azusa nodded. She stood up and turned to Yui, who had started standing up.

“”I’ll walk you home.” Yui said as she grabbed the guitar case. Azusa nodded and stood up as well, and the two made their way to Azusa’s apartment. Once they reached her apartment, Yui stopped and looked up. Azusa stopped as well and looked back at her curiously.

“Nice place,” Yui said, looking up at the building. Azusa blinked and looked up at it as well.

“Thanks, it’s not very big though.” Azusa said.

“Probably still bigger than my apartment,” Yui said. “Definitely nicer.” Yui said to herself, and Azusa almost didn’t hear it, but she did, and looked at Yui with a frown, wondering just what kind of place Yui lived at. Yui looked at her again and smiled, making Azusa smile back.

“Well, I can walk myself the rest of the way.” Azusa said, and Yui frowned a little bit, disappointed, but nodded anyway.

“Alright, well, goodnight, Nakano-san.” Yui said.

“Goodnight, and thank you for walking me home,” Azusa said and Yui nodded and turned around. As she started walking home, Azusa bit her lip nervously before shouting out after Yui. “I hope to see you again soon.” Yui stopped walking and turned her head to look behind her.

“Well, you know where to find me.” Yui said with a smile, and continued on her walk home, leaving Azusa to stare at her retreating form for much longer than she cared to admit.

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