Pieces (11/16)

Jun 23, 2012 14:33

Title: Pieces
Pairing: Rachel/Santana, Shelby
Spoilers: Up to season 3
Summary: Rachel never expected to find out she's a werewolf, and once the reality of it sinks in, she feels like a monster. Surprisingly enough there's someone unexpected who helps her keep onto the humanity inside her.
Note: This is written for the Glee Big Bang.

As much as Rachel wanted and should have pushed Puck away, she couldn’t. It was almost as hard to push him away as it was to push Santana away.

Santana had started to wait for Rachel at her locker, and the first time she did it, Rachel looked at her suspiciously.

“What?” Santana asked with a shrug. “Might as well, and besides, you’re actually good company.” Rachel shrugged and nodded, it wasn’t like she could tell Santana otherwise. Well, she could, but she knew Santana would listen.

Then it became a ritual, Santana would meet up with her in the morning and walk her to her first class. Rachel kept having lunch in the auditorium and Santana eventually found out and met up with her there every day, sometimes even bringing extra lunch to make sure Rachel ate to make sure Rachel got back some of the weight she lost.

A few times they hung out after school, when Rachel wasn’t hanging out with Puck. First it was just them, but Santana slowly made Rachel hang out with Quinn and Brittany too.  Before she knew it, all four of them were hanging out together.

If anyone told Rachel she as going to be this close to them, she would laugh at them. Now, it was very much true, and she couldn’t fully believe it. That, and she didn’t think she deserved it either.

For a moment, everything was fine and she felt normal around Santana, but as always, that was short lived. It was closer to the full moon and she felt her body reacting. She panicked and withdrew herself from everyone that week. For a few days, it worked, until Santana got worried again.

“Hey,” Rachel heard Santana’s voice from behind her, but Rachel didn’t turn around. Santana frowned and put her hand on Rachel’s shoulder, and Rachel stilled at the touch. “Rachel, you’re acting weird again, what’s wrong?” Finally, Rachel turned around, but she didn’t look up at Santana.

“Nothing.” Rachel said tightly. “Nothing’s wrong.”

“Bullshit, Rachel. What’s up with you?” Santana said, remembering the last two months she was off for about a week. As Santana thought about it, she realized it was odd how every month there was a week where Rachel was far from herself.

“I have to go to class.” Rachel said quickly and shoved past Santana and down the hall. Santana blinked and watched her go, confused.


Rachel sat in her seat, exhausted. She closed her eyes and rested her head on the desk. Before, when Santana got close, it didn’t affect as much because of when Santana got close to her. Now, though, it was the night of the full moon and Santana was just too much.

She avoided everyone again, especially Santana. When it was time for lunch, she started going to the auditorium like she always did and suddenly stopped in her tracks. Santana was definitely going to be there, and Rachel wasn’t sure how well she could hand Santana’s scent. Just as she was about to turn around and go see Shelby instead, she heard Santana calling out to her.

“Rachel.” Rachel looked over and saw Santana running to her from down the hall. Rachel sighed, it was too late now. Finally, Santana caught up to her, looking worried for a second before smiling. “Hey, ready to go to lunch?” She said and Rachel gave her a shaky smile.

“Okay.” They walked to the auditorium, with Rachel keeping a distance from Santana. When they got in Rachel sat further from her than she normally would too, and Santana frowned.

“Do I smell bad or something?” Santana joked and Rachel snapped her head up at her.

“What? No!” She said, more forcefully than she intended. Santana jerked back a little and held up her hands.

“Okay, geez,” Santana said. “But thanks anyway, I guess.” Rachel blushed and looked down.

“You smell very nice.” Rachel whispered to herself, but Santana heard. Santana smiled softly and blushed a little.

“Thanks.” Santana said, blushing, and Rachel’s eyes widened when she realized Santana heard her.

“It’s no problem.” Then the two sat in awkward silence, both blushing at each other’s words. Rachel wondered why Santana was acting awkward, they were just friends. Rachel sighed and closed her eyes, tired from the week.

“Tired?” Santana asked and Rachel nodded. Santana moved along the floor until she was next to Rachel, who jerked away.

“What are you doing?” The smell of Santana was so strong, and everything about her seemed so perfect to Rachel that there was no way she could trust herself around her.

“I heard I’m a comfy pillow.” Santana said and Rachel shook her head.

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” Rachel said and Santana frowned.

“Why?” Santana asked. “It’s just my shoulder.” Rachel bit her lip as she stared at it. It seemed harmless enough, but she was afraid something bad would happen if she got too close. She looked back up at Santana’s face and Santana smiled at her.

Slowly, Rachel put her hand down on Santana’s shoulder, as if it was made of glass and she could break it. Santana’s smell was all around her, and Rachel smiled at it. Rachel couldn’t help but snuggle into Santana’s shoulder more, pressing her nose into it. Santana watched Rachel’s face and smiled at how adorable Rachel looked.

As she did, she listened to Santana’s heartbeat, which had speed up at Rachel’s touch. She frowned at the speed and wondered why it was so fast. She put her hand on Santana’s chest, making Santana’s breath hitch. Rachel noticed and she looked up at Santana.

“Why are you so nervous?” Rachel asked curiously and Santana swallowed.

“I’m not.” But Rachel knew that was a lie. She could feel and hear Santana’s body reacting to her. Santana looked at Rachel’s hand on her chest and grabbed it. She had meant to just take it off her, but the action made both girls stop. They looked at it and Rachel moved her hand so that she was holding Santana’s. She looked up at Santana to see her staring intently at her.

“Santana…” Rachel stared and Santana slowly leaned her hand in closer. She stopped a few centimeters from her face, as if finally considering what she was about to do. Rachel, though, had enough and so did her wolf.

Without thinking, Rachel grabbed Santana’s face and smashed their lips together. Santana squeaked in surprise, but recovered and kissed her back.

Their kiss became more heated and when Rachel ran her lip along her bottom lip, Santana easily granted her access. They had moaned as their tongues’s fought for dominance, one that Rachel easily won. Rachel pushed Santana down and was soon on top of her. Rachel pulled her tongue back and bit Santana’s lip before moving her head to Santana’s neck.

Santana gasped as Rachel bit her and ran her tongue over it. As Rachel sucked on her neck, Santana’s hands flew to her hair and she grabbed Rachel’s dark locks. She closed her eyes and moaned as Rachel’s hand roamed her body. Suddenly, the bell rang and Santana’s eyes snapped open.

“Rachel…” Santana breathed out, but Rachel didn’t hear her or the bell. “Rachel,” Santana tried again, and tried pushing Rachel off her, but the brunette pushed her down surprisingly hard and Santana winced in pain. “Rachel!”

Finally, Rachel stopped and looked up at Santana. She was breathing hard and her eyes seemed glazed over. Rachel blinked, snapping out of her daze. She looked at Santana and blushed, realizing what they were doing.

“I, um, uh,” Rachel stuttered as she crawled off Santana and stood up on shaky legs. “I um, sh-should go.” Rachel said, pointing to the door. However, she stared at Santana, unmoving.

“Rachel, I-” Santana started but Rachel interrupted her.

“Should go. Going, now.” She said quickly and turned around and stormed out of the auditorium, ignoring Santana’s calls.


Rachel couldn’t belief what she had done. She had kissed Santana, who she was sure probably didn’t want to be kissed. Especially by her of all people. It was all her wolf’s fault, her wolf had to act on her impulses. Rachel groaned and hid her head in her hands.

“Stupid wolf.” Rachel groaned. It was her wolf that wanted Santana, not her.

At least, that was what she told herself. She told herself she had kissed Santana because her wolf wanted to, not her. Yet, Rachel had enjoyed the kiss. All she wanted to do was go back and kiss Santana senseless.

All she wanted was Santana for herself.

And Rachel wasn’t sure that was entirely her wolf’s thinking.


Santana frowned when she walked into class and saw Rachel’s seat empty. She sighed, and figured Rachel just needed some space and was going to come last minute. However, when the bell rang and Rachel still didn’t come in, she worried a little.

Finally, Rachel came in and the teacher glared at her as she came in.

“Hurry to your seat, Miss Berry.” Rachel didn’t answer, instead she kept her head low and walked to her desk. Santana watched her sit down and ball her hand into fists, never looking back at Santana as she did so.

As the class went on, Santana looked back at Rachel time to time, wanting Rachel to look back at her just once. In the end, she didn’t and the bell rang. Rachel quickly got up and Santana followed her.

Despite the fact that Rachel was short, it seemed like she was suddenly faster and Santana lost her in the crowd. Santana stopped and sighed. When Rachel wanted to run and hide, she was good at it.

Giving up on chasing after Rachel, she turned around and headed to her next class. She figured Rachel could run forever, and Santana was going to talk to her and talk about what had just happened between them.


Rachel couldn’t be happier when the last class ended. Luckily, she hadn’t run into Santana again, and she was glad. She couldn’t even look at Santana without wanting to kiss her again. Before she did anything she regretted, she found Shelby in her class and she walked in. Shelby looked up and smiled at Rachel.

“Ready?” Shelby asked and Rachel nodded.

“Let’s just go,” Rachel said hurriedly, already opening the door for her. Shelby frowned, Rachel was more anxious to leave than usual. Nodding, Shelby left the room, with Rachel following close behind. When they reached Shelby’s car and Shelby unlocked it, Rachel practically threw herself inside. Shelby raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything and took her time getting in. She looked over at Rachel and frowned.

“What’s wrong?” Shelby asked, looking at the way Rachel had her eyes closed.

“Nothing.” Rachel said, but Shelby didn’t believe her.

“I know something’s wrong.” Shelby said and Rachel sighed.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Rachel said quietly and Shelby sighed.

“Alright, later we will.” Shelby said as she started the car. She put it in reverse and turned her head towards Rachel to see out the back window. When she did, she smelled something, or rather, someone that wasn’t either of them.

She looked at Rachel, who was looking at her blankly. Shelby leaned closer to Rachel and smelled her. She furrowed her eyebrows at the scent and she grabbed Rachel’s shirt. She pulled Rachel towards her, making the smaller girl whimper, and smelled her again.

“Why do I smell Santana all over you?” Shelby asked and Rachel fidgeted against Shelby’s grip nervously.

“I… I kissed her,” Rachel said and Shelby sighed. “I didn’t’ mean to,” Rachel continued. “My wolf took over and then I started making out with her and”-

“We’ll talk about this later,” Shelby cut her off and let her go. “First we need to get through tonight.” Rachel nodded and sat in her seat as Shelby drove to her house. Once they finally got there, Rachel got out quickly and walked into her house, where Hiram and Leroy were sitting on the couch and talking to each other.

“Dad, daddy,” Rachel said and they stopped and looked up at her. “I need to stay at Kurt’s house for Glee.” She said and walked up the stairs quickly and put her clothes in the bag again. Just as she turned around to leave, Hiram and Leroy stood in front of her, blocking the doorway.

“Rachel, honey, are you okay?” Leroy asked and she nodded.

“Of course, but now I really have to go, Kurt is waiting for me, so.” She walked past Leroy and tried to get past Hiram, but he blocked her.

“We know you’ve been lying to us.” He said and Rachel stopped.

“What? No, I-”

“We called Kurt and he said you never went to his house.” Hiram said angrily. Leroy came up behind her and looked at her concerned.

“Rachel, you’ve been acting different, and you were like this last month too,” He said and Rachel knew he was talking about the nights of the full moon, when he senses were in overdrive and she was ready to turn. “Rachel, are you doing drugs?”

“What?” Rachel looked at him, surprised that he would thought that she did. “No, I- I have to go.”

“Rachel, wait.” Leroy tried, but she pushed past Hiram easily with her werewolf strength. She ignored both of their calls for her tom come back and she ran to Shelby’s car. As soon as she got in, she turned to her.

“We have to go.” Rachel said in a panicked voice and Shelby frowned, confused. She looked up to see Hiram and Leroy coming out of the house. Sighing, Shelby got out of the car, making Rachel reach to and grab her arm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Hold on,” Shelby said and loosened her arm from Rachel’s hand. Shelby closed the door and walked up to them. “Hiram, Leroy.” They stopped and looked at her in surprise.

“Shelby?” They asked and Shelby smiled as she walked up to them.

“I’m sorry about making you two worry.” Shelby said and Hiram looked at her oddly.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, Rachel hasn’t told you? She’s spending the night with me.” They both looked at her in surprise.

“But Rachel hasn’t told us about you…” Leroy said and Shelby smiled.

“Oh, well she didn’t want to upset you or have you feel left out. After all, she always wanted to know who her mother was,” Shelby gave them her best smile and the two men looked at each other. “So,” Shelby said, turning their attention back to her. It was getting closer to the full moon and they needed to go. “She’ll be back tomorrow, don’t worry.” Shelby said, waving at them before walking away.

“Leroy, are we just going to let her go?” Hiram whispered to Leroy, who just sighed.

“Shelby’s with her,” Leroy whispered back. “I doubt Shelby would let her be doing drugs.


“That went well, don’t you think?” Shelby asked and Rachel groaned.

“No, nothing is going well.” Shelby frowned.

“What do you mean?” She asked as she drove them to the woods.

“My day has been horrible, or amazing,” Rachel frowned and groaned again. “It’s been horribly amazing.” Shelby raised her eyebrows.

“It does when it comes to Santana,” Rachel said, looking out the window. Shelby laughed as she lightly pulled onto the dirt road. “It’s not funny.”

“So you do like her.” Shelby said as she stopped the car. She turned off the engine and got out.

“What, no-” She groaned when Shelby got out and she quickly jumped out of the car and followed her to the woods. “No, I do not like her, my wolf does.” Rachel said and Shelby sighed.

“Rachel, yes, you’re wolf does have a part of it, but so do you.” Shelby said.

“No, I don’t have any feelings for her.” Shelby stopped at their usual spot and turned to Rachel.

“I think you found yourself a mate.” Shelby said with a smile and turned around to start undressing herself.

“N-no.” Rachel stuttered, blushing. Shelby laughed at her expression, but didn’t say anything. Instead, she kept undressing and Rachel sighed as she started doing the same.

Rachel told herself that she didn’t like Santana, not that way. However, as the time passed in the woods she started to doubt herself. Maybe she did have a crush on Santana hat wasn’t on her wolf. She continued to think of Santana, even as she started to change into her wolf.

Santana was stuck in her head, and she couldn’t get her out.

pezberry, glee

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