I know I know. It's been a while. A long while since I've sat down and really said something here. But suddenly I feel inspired.... not sure why...
I have two. Not five. Just two. Soma is just over 1. He's lazy. Coadie is about 7 months old. She's a nut. But when it comes to personality she's got it. (nothing against Soma).
What Coadie wants she gets. She tends to not like closed doors. Ever have a cat meow at you to tell you what she wants? no huh? well come over and see Coadie....
On second thought hold off on that visit for a little bit. Why you ask? Cause we're moving. Am I nuts you ask? Why yes I am. Thank you very much.
And on that thought.... I brought the cat carriers up to get the cats used to them (having never spent much time in them before I want them ready for the 7 hour drive). but Soma wont get out. He loves it... or at least he wont get out. He's been in there for hours now.
So I guess I spent a lot of time rambling and the point of all this is? I have 2 cats, Soma is lazy, Coadie "talks" to us quite well, and we move on Tuesday. Oh wait.... thats the first time that I mentioned a date. Well it's TUESDAY, this Tuesday. yeah I'm nuts, but then again I used to have 5 cats now didn't I?
Till next time.