Thoughts From a Boring Saturday Night (5/12/07)

May 10, 2007 20:28

-Coffee is a comfort liquid. It's not food. Food has the ability to provide nourishment and sustenance, and coffee doesn't provide either. Although, it does ward off prostate cancer.

-Thanks to MP3 players we all have our own soundtrakcs to our lives. This is NOT a good thing. When I'm sitting in a coffee shop, reading quietly, having "Time Warp" come on could lead to a sudden awkward dance number. Incedentally, I didn't put "Time Warp" on my iPod, but it's there.

-I was at a concert at the Paramount last night. I watched the Decemberists sitting next to a man in his upper 60's. I'm not sure if that means music is finally being to bridge the gap between generations in a way we haven't seen in at least a century, if ever, or if I'm just getting old.

-A Haiku moment:
A children's book holds
A coffee shop window up
Refreshing adults

-Everyone remembers the Alamo. No one remembers that we lost, apparently, and we all decided that Texans are good at fighting wars. Clearly since things are bigger from Texas, so are the fuck-ups. No more presidents from Texas.

-Talking to women has never been difficult for me, but actually developing relationships has been excruciating. I wonder, do they see me different from others? Am I different?

-When you really think about it, sex is actually pretty damn disgusting. So is milk.

-No one lets me cook for them anymore.
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