Happy happy Halloweeen

Oct 13, 2010 01:25

So I just got back from the Disneyland Halloween party and it was pretty awesome! My friends Aleks and Michelle and I all went as an ensemble group: Jurassic Park! Aleks was Dr. Grant, Michelle was Dr.Sattler and I was Muldoon. We roughed ourselves up with makeup and dirt and had a blast! Most people did not recognize us right off the bat, but once we gave them a hint (I was wearing Muldoon's InGen ID badge), they would say "Oh, Jurassic Park!"
The one person to get it right off the bat without anyone saying anythig was Jack Sparrow. We were waiting in line at the Pirates photo location and he was winding his way through the line, having traded with Peter, Hook and Wendy. Gotta hand it to Captain Jack, he was stopping and talking to every group for a minute or two, knowing full well that most of the groups were there for him. Being the people in line for whoever happened to be there to take pics and not even knowing it'd be him, our group kind of stood off a bit to let him pass by. He stopped, looked at us, and put on Aleks' Dr. Grant hat. He then declared it wasn't the right hat for him, looked over at me and gestured to Aleks saying "Shoot her", in a conversational manner. I am ashamed to say it took me five full seconds to process that he had said my character's signature line, the one I'd been saying a lot that day. I was like "Oh! Oh man! Yes! Thank you!" but he was already on down the line.
I don't get to go places in costume nearly enough and that was soooo much fun! I wish I could do it again! I'mso glad I've gt friends who'll geek out and go all obscure movie costume with me. Pictures and further stories later, when I'm not ridiculously tired. :)
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