On Hiatus till December!

Sep 17, 2011 12:02

Hello peeps! ^^ As you know, my semester has already started and I am not supposed to play during term time (*cough* but have already flouted this rule with Chapter 46 and the following outtakes *cough*).

So anyway! :P Go to the chapter list for a refresher or if you're new *waves*. As usual, you can pm or formspring me for anything.

I was SO ASKLDFJASDGKJ EXCITED to take shots of them together!! 8D

Kismette looks so much older (and hopefully wiser) with that hair. My baby girl has grown up! *sniffle*

Was also testing out photo effects. (This one looks lame. :P)

You can imagine any dialogue you want, hahaha. I know I did. XD

EDIT: Omg, I forgot to add that bolob started a family with simKismette and simZaelem! (You can get them from the Download a Character page, by the way. ;) ) Check her lj out for updates! :D

love, kismette, picspam, hiatus, zaelem

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