We had our halloween party on Sunday night. It was an amazing success. I was offered sex by several men. With my hotass, punk kitty cat, I gained the nickname of the house pussy. Yeah, me. Surprise, suprise.
After reuniting with good friends and sleeping only an hour, I was expecting to come home, sleep for a few hours, clean my room and wait for the
boys to show up. However, I got a call around 10 saying that the guys drove through the night and would arrive in Charlotte at 3ish. I got home at 4 and the guys were trying to get showered and cleaned up after days of grossness and dirtiness.
After a long talk with Epp, I realized that he appreciates me as a music fan. We told the guys we were taking them to the Penguin for dinner for some southern fried fatty foods. After the best burgers and fried pickles and tons of stuff on the house, we sat around stuffed. The Penguin is a pretty regular hangout for my sister and myself and the waiters kept asking us what was with all the men and that we usually fly solo. Then the waiters thought they were a famous band and become much more attentive. Not that they aren't famous or talented, but it was amusing. Scott and I fought over the check, which I craftily paid and then we headed to Phillips Place to see Team America.
We arrived about an hour early and had to kill time wandering around and drinking coffee at Upstream. After offers of shots and being taken advantage of later, haha, we headed to the movie where the majority of us proceeded to take naps at various times in the movie. Monika and I were just waiting for the phrase cum dumpster to be used. It wasn't. Fuck yeah.
We headed home and all crashed. I got up early and left the house and proceeded to watch the girls and then come home and sit glued to the tv to see what happened with the election. Confession time, I'm a hard core republican. I voted Bush. I voted Burr. I have extreme moral issues with democrats. I would probably have voted against gay marriage if it had been on our ticket because my faith in God and the church would have prevented me from doing anything other than that. If that makes me horrible, so be it. I'm not against gay people. In fact, I know gay people who are against gay marriage. They just want the penalties lifted upon the inheritance tax of their partners after death. Some of my best friends are gay. They know how I feel about them and that I love them, but also respect my faith and that I'm willing to be honest with them.
I'm so relieved that Bush won. Really I am. His ideas on the fair tax and privatization of Social Security are brilliant. He walked into a recession, was handed a 9-11 and then proceeded to take down two of them most threatening governments in the world, the rule of Sadaam Hussein and the Taliban. If you think this makes me a horrible person. So be it. I took a stand. I'm not uneducated or unintelligent. I researched both candidates. I did my homework. I'm over losing friends for the way I voted or for what I believe in. Seriously. Kiss my ass.
Bush-Cheney 2004-2008.
Also, Red Wanting Blue's Pride: The Cold Lover is quite possibly my favorite CD of the year. They're getting to play the music they've always dreamed of playing. Thank God for the loss of Jonah in the band. Stepro is the best addition the guys could have asked for. IM me and I'll send you my favorite track from the CD. But go buy the CD if you love it. The guys need all the help they can get.
This week, I've felt beautiful. I've felt appreciated. I've felt loved. I've felt like I have a purpose. If you are one of the people who made me feel like this, I am eternally grateful. That is exactly what I needed.