a genius idea [r] jared/jensen

Jul 01, 2014 00:36

Title: a genius idea
Author: enablelove
Rating: R
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 357
For: 30 Day OTP Porn Challenge - day 27: sex toys
Summary: Jared wears a butt plug because Jensen may be a little possessive.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.

You’re evil and I hate you. Jared fires the text off to Jared as he shifts in his seat again, the butt plug pressing against everything inside him which just causes him to move once more. The meeting is boring and endless and Jared can barely focus, all thoughts on the come plugged inside him. Jensen’s come.

It had been a glorious early morning filled with frantic thrusts, desperate kisses, and flushed skin. Jensen had woken him up with a blowjob whilst preparing him, not that Jared minded in the least. Anytime his husband wanted to wake him up with sex was definitely okay with him, even if he did lose a little sleep in the process. Jared had mentioned the night before that he’d be having lunch with Matt, his ex and his best friend, and Jensen had seemed a little hesitant about it. He hadn’t said anything, but Jared knows him by now. He’s sure that fact coupled with the endorphins running through him made him say the next words.

“Wanna plug you up with my come, Jared. Want you to walk around all day just so I can thrust back into you when you come home. You’d be so ready for me, so perfect filled with my come, Jared. Let me?”

And well, Jared definitely hadn’t refused - hence his current predicament.

Finally, the director lets them out and Jared walks, shuffles really, out the door to his office. Thirty more minutes here, a quick lunch with Matt, then he’s going home and taking the rest of his work day off.

I’m a genius, and you love me. Jared’s phone buzzes with Jensen’s reply. Jared scoffs at his phone but can’t help the dopey grin on his face - it’s true. As weird as it feels having the plug inside him, it feels amazing too. It feels intimate and wrong in the dirtiest way.

You’re jealous and maybe a genius Jared types back, because he can admit that this may be one of Jensen’s best ideas. Jensen doesn’t reply back, but Jared knows the truth. It’s okay - it’s going to make for some epic sex later.

rating: r, wc: less than 500, challenge: 30 day otp porn, au, type: porn

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