luckiest man alive [pg] jared/jensen

Nov 27, 2012 16:28

Title: luckiest man alive
Author: enablelove
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 514
Warning: Unapologetic Schm♥♥p
Tables: spn_30snapshots Theme 04: Lover’s Rock - 25. heart
Summary: Breathtaking. That’s the first word that comes to Jared’s mind when he first sees his future husband.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This was inspired by the picture seen here. Part of vows found online at I was in a schmoopy mood ;) (this has nothing to do with the other 2 angty fics)


That’s the first word that comes to Jared’s mind when he first sees his future husband. They both came out of their own entrances to walk down the aisle together because neither of them were girls, dammit. Jensen looks gorgeous in his charcoal gray pants and vest with a pale pink tie and a white button down, matching Jared’s own black, pink, and white attire. He looks nervous, but so blissfully happy and Jared knows that emotion is displayed on his own face.

They link pinkies and walk down the aisle together, facing forward towards the priest who agreed to oversee the ceremony. Jared can see his momma already tearing up a little bit and he grins that much wider when he sees Jensen’s mom tearing up too. His mother-in-law. God, that’s weird. Donna had been the first to take him in when the whole thing between them was new and uncertain, and Jared can’t ask for a better second mom.

They come to stand in front of the priest and wait for him to start his spiel. Jared can barely hear the priest, glancing at his future husband from the corner of his eye instead. Jensen nudges him when it’s his turn to say his vows and Jared starts a little. Whoops.

“I, Jared, choose you, Jensen, to be my husband. In front of our friends and family gathered here I promise to love and cherish you throughout the good times and bad times. I promise to try to remember to put my dirty clothes in the hamper and to replace the toilet paper roll when it's empty. I will love you always.”

Jared can see Jensen tearing up just a bit and the audience as well as Jensen laugh, but then Jensen sends him the soft smile that’s just meant for him when Jared finishes.

He places the ring that Jeff has standing by for him on Jensen’s finger.

“I, Jensen, choose you, Jared, to by my husband. In front of our friends and family, I promise to love and cherish you through every obstacle that may come into our path. I will comfort you when the Spurs lose and not crow as much in victory when the Mavs win. I will love you always.”

Jared rolls his eyes at that, but he smiles too, knowing he has a goofy grin on his face.
Jensen puts the ring Josh has waiting on Jared’s finger, squeezing the digit gently before letting go.

“Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband.”

The priest barely finishes the second husband when both Jared and Jensen lean in for their first kiss as a married couple. Jared’s hand curls around Jensen’s neck, holding him there, and the other one raises up in the air in a fist pump. He can hear the audience laughing and see the flashes through the corner of his eye, but all he feels is Jensen’s smile against his lips and his hand resting against Jared’s heart - his default position it seems.

He’s the luckiest man alive.

wc: 500-999, type: schmoop, challenge: spn_30snapshots, wedding!fic, rating: pg

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