Wedding Plans [PG] Jared/Jensen

Jan 06, 2009 16:48

Title: Wedding Plans
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop.
Word Count: 500
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jared and Jensen are planning the wedding. Hopefully.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for arlad because it’s her birthday! I hope you enjoy this sweetheart.
This is part of the Five Times Jared Couldn't Resist Kissing Jensen 'verse after Jared proposes. Reading that isn't necessary :)

Planning a wedding is insane. Jensen didn’t understand how people could do this and still want to get married. There are flowers and food and people and reservations and the hall and waiters and freaking tuxes to worry about! That isn’t including family and his and Jared’s mamas, who are an ordeal themselves. They can’t agree on anything because they have never been in a situation where their son was getting married to another man. Jensen and Jared understand, they do, it ‘s just frustrating trying to appease both sides of the family.

But then Jensen would look down at the ring on his finger and his lips would curl up in a soft smile. That ring has become everything to him and he adores it. He doesn’t ever take it off, even if he’s washing dishes or anything, because he’s afraid to lose it. It’s a symbol of his and Jared’s relationship, a symbol of forever. When they lie on the couch, Jensen loves to play with the ring on Jared’s finger; he never takes his off either. He likes clinking them together, enjoying the faint sound of commitment.

Jared likes playing with Jensen’s ring too. He twirls it around Jensen’s finger, kissing the band as well as the skin under it with soft lips. He always has this grin on his face when he sees the ring, like he can’t believe Jensen said yes. Like Jensen would actually say no. Jared is perfect for him, he’s gorgeous and talented and hilarious and dorky and highly intelligent and he can be a gigantic girl, but he’s Jensen’s. Jensen is the one in awe that Jared would stay with someone like him. That Jared asked Jensen to marry him, to be together forever. It was definitely a humbling experience that night. They had just been lying together and suddenly Jared had pushed Jensen away and knelt on the floor and proposed. Jensen had no idea that Jared would do that, but he was so glad he did. He can’t imagine someone else that fits with him the same way Jared does. They are like two pieces of a puzzle, okay if apart, but perfect together.

But the planning of the wedding is definitely chaos. Jensen was almost going to suggest Jared and he run away and get eloped if he wasn’t scared that his mama would never speak to him again and that Jared’s family wouldn’t be very impressed with Jensen. He loves them like his own, all of them having known about Jensen as soon as he and Jared had got together. Because Jared hated having to lie to his mama, just like Jensen did. They were two Texan mama’s boys. So yeah, he’d go through the wedding. He’d go through the headache and the hassle and the fighting. He’d stand in front of the world and declare his love for one Jared Tristan Padalecki. Because luckily, that one Jared Tristan Padalecki would be right there by his side.

Remember, comments are ♥!

wc: 500-999, type: schmoop, verse: five kisses, birthday fic, wedding!fic, rating: pg

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